
the Influence of the Curing Method on Early Cracking Risk During Hot Weather Paving


Concrete pavements which are placed during hot summer weather conditions, harden on the top side, due to the solar radiation, at higher temperatures, as is the case for the bottom side. As soon as the concrete cools down at the top side during the first night, the concrete pavement tends...

Test Sections of Rigid and Flexible Pavements


The number of heavy vehicles in the Swedish road network is continuing to grow, and more rigid types of pavements are being used to withstand the loads. During the 1980s only asphalt pavements were used in Sweden and damage occurred on many roads with large traffic volumes. The Swedish National...

CRCP A Long-Lasting Pavement Solution For Todays Motorways, the Dutch Practice


Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) structures are becoming more popular for high quality transport purposes and long lasting pavement solutions in The Netherlands. This increase raised the demand for practical guidelines, recommendations and standardisation with respect to design, construction details, the preparation of tender documents and construction. Up to now...

Zurich Airport Concrete Pavement Design


In response to manage the increase in air traffic volume, Zurich International Airport has built a new Midfield Dock with apron and a new taxiway system. For the new operational surfaces, which lie in a reclaimed swamp area, a hard-wearing but economic pavement had to be built for aircraft weights...

Frost Damage Prevention of Concrete Pavement


Due to severe frost damage at the main platform on a military transportation airfield in the Netherlands, investigations have been carried out to find the course of this damage. Tests have been carried out to compare the frost sensitivity of Portland cement and Fly-ash cement. Also the influence of several...

SFRCS for Concrete Roads in Heavily Trafficked Situations


The concrete slab is the main structural component of the road. It transmits loads to the sub-base. SFRCs (Steel fiber reinforced concretes) can be used in the road-base as a structural part of the road. Steel fibers allow greater joint spacing in road construction; they have a significant positive effect...

Development and Application to the Test Pavements in the Real Way of Eco-Friendly Hybrid Type Permeable Concrete Pavement


A new type of pavement structure was proposed and applied to the construction of two different trunk roads. The hybrid structure is composed of two basic layers of the porous concrete surface course which has sufficient functions of smoothness, skid resistance, permeability and low noise and of the less permeable...

Bearing Capacity of Concrete Roads


The pavement management of concrete roads in Ge rmany is essentially based on surface-referred status datas. Suitable measuring techniques are available for the data aquisition. Approved and practicable methods apply for their evaluation. However there are no appropriate procedures and concepts for the structural substance evaluation regarding the prognosis of...

The Concrete Pavements in the Mexican Highways


In Mexico, since november of 1993 to september of 2002, a total of 3046 km of concrete pavement lanes are either in operation or construction, where 74% of them are built as new structure and the rest, 26 % has been used as reinforcement placed on an existing aphalt pavement....

Guidelines For Concrete Roundabouts the Dutch Practice


Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) structures are becoming more popular for roundabouts due to the durable and sustainable character of this pavement type. This led to a need for practical guidelines, recommendations and standardisation with respect to design, details and the preparation of tender documents. The paper summarises a recent...

Flexural Stress Analysis of Rigid Pavements Using Nisa


Design of pavements involves a study of paving materials their behavior under loads, climatic conditions & the under lying sub grade reaction. For the present study an attempt has been made to propose an alternative method of design of rigid pavements using NISA package. 2-D plane strain and axisymmetric solid...

The Application of the Selected Cements in Building Concrete Pavements of the Rural Roads in Poland


For the present Polish Catalogue of Typical Concrete Pavements is published. This document allows to apply cements CEM II and CEM III besides CEM I in road constructions. In order to verification of usefulness these cements, the experiment concrete pavement with CEM II and CEM III and for comparison CEM...