Lessons Learned from a Swedish Harbour Concrete Pavement

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In 1999, a 60 000 m2 large concrete pavement was completed in a Swedish harbour. The largest part of the area consisted of 200-210 mm thick plain jointed concrete pavement (PJCP) overlaying an old asphalt pavement. The design was based on certain prerequisite concerning traffic loads, i.e., axle loads and...

Innovative Prefabrication Techniques for Pavement Infrastructure

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The advantages of prefabrication and precasting are well known in the building industry: a short building-time, efficient use of materials, optimum quality control, financially appealing and sophisticated logistics. In residential, commercial and industrial building in the Netherlands, the use of prefabrication is common practice. It would be logical to assume...

The Motorway E40 (Formerly E5) from Brussels to Liège

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On 13 December 1967, the “E5” Partnership was established in Belgium with the objective of constructing the Brussels-Liège motorway. This was the missing piece in Belgium of the E5 European route, which extends from London over Calais-Jabbeke, Brussels, Liège, Cologne, Frankfurt and Vienna to Ankara. Later, the name E5 was...

Concrete Pavements in Highway Tunnels

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Since the 2001 were constructed in Slovakia three highway tunnels with cement concrete pavements. This paper presents the Technical recommendation – the concrete pavement design method used for the design and calculation of pavement structures. According the different “climate conditions” in tunnels (concerning temperature gradients in slab), there are in...

Investigation on the Possibility of using Concrete Containing Plastic Waste as Aggregates for Pavement Construction

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Increasingly plastics become the material of choice by product designers because they provide useful properties and for this reason the worldwide production of plastics is growing year after year. At the European level the reference concerning the recycling and reuse of waste plastics obliges Member States to recover and recycle...

First Use of Whitetopping in Switzerland

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This document describes the design and construction of the concrete whitetopping repair of a severely distressed pavement of a road section at a regional road intersection. In the past, repair of this road section with asphalt overlays repeatedly failed to withstand the severe shear loading to which the pavement is...

Concrete Pavement of the Access Ramp Bridge of the Peza Truck Holding Area of the Bale-Weil Customs Facility, Switzerland

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This document describes the design and construction of the concrete pavement for the relatively steep access ramp bridge of the PEZA truck holding area of the Bale-Weil customs facility. The pavement design takes into account the expected change in usage after 2008 as a motorway offramp and harbour access route....

The Way Ahead is Fibre-Reinforced

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For several decades steel wire manufacturers produce steel fibres which can be mixed with concrete to improve its characteristics. FIBRICON® is a multi-fibre concrete – a combination of concrete and three types of fibres. The fibre mix consists of drawn or rolled steel fibres with profiled end hooks or anchors....

Concrete Roads Constructed on the Lincent Land Reparcelling Site

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The concrete road technique has been used for many years for the creation or improvement of roads in land reparcelling project areas. The designs used for these roads have had to develop for a variety of reasons: 1. Vehicles are becoming increasingly heavy. Semi-trailer rigs carry crops directly from the...

The European Standards on Materials for Concrete Pavements

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CEN Technical Committee TC 227 is responsible for the European Standards dealing with road materials. As a part of its working programme, 33 standards have been prepared concerning materials for concrete pavements. Six of them deal with specifications for materials, functional properties of concrete pavements, dowels and joint sealants (hot...

The Superbus Concept and Its Supertrack Infrastructure

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Superbus is an innovative new concept in personal public transport, developed by the Delft University of Technology. The Superbus consists of a highly advanced vehicle that can reach speeds up to 250 km/h a special Supertrack Infrastructure and advanced IT applications for services on request, road handling and comfort and...

Experimental Sections of Ultra-Thin White Topping in Tournai

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The technique of ultra-thin white topping, which has been used in the USA since the beginning of the 1990s, is characterised by a thickness of between 5 and 10 cm. They are characterised by a mesh of closely spaced joints in which the distance between the joints depends on the...