The Mediterranean Highway has been in service for more than fifteen years, and we can state that the performance of the concrete paving has been overall excellent whether referring to its surface characteristics or its structural characteristics, except for those areas giving support where damage has taken place. The modifications...
Continously Reinforced Concrete Overlay on Highway E 40 Near Liege Belgium
During the last years, many CRCP overlays have been made in Belgium. One of them has been laid in 1988 on highway E 40 in the province of Liège (8,250 km). The paper gives the reasons of the choice of CRCP for the renewal of the highway and describes the...
Roller-Compacted Concrete as a Road Building Material in South Africa
Roller-compacted concrete (ReC) offers a solution to the vast number of good quality lowvolume roads which will have to be provided in the near future to accommodate South Africa's rapidly expanding rural road needs. The research effort presented in this paper involved a laboratory study and the construction and accelerated...
UK practice for the design and construction of concrete roads
1.1 Concrete roads constructed in the enited Kingdom based on the advice contained J.n Road Note 29 (3rd Edition) 1970 have generally proved to be satisfactory in that as far as is known there have been no failure of slabs due to traffic loading. l'lhere failures have occurred these have...
Joints in concrete roads – Aspects of construction and performance
Increasing demands are bein~ made on joints in conérete roads by greater traffic 'voluines anld heavier loads. Most joints 'perform satisfactorily, yet a small proportion fail in service, resultinn in expensive remedial work. The paper reviews the main types of joints, and problems associated with their construction and performance. It...
An assesment of interlocking concrete block pavements
A number of interlocking concrete block pavements (lCBP's) in applications ranging from residential streets to a quarry access road have been monitored. This wc.rkhas included the changing nature of the block layer; particularly its stiffness. The latter quali ty has been assessed by means of the force required to remove...
Repair of concrete pavement surfacing with cement mortar finishing coats
The surfaces of concrete carriageways are subject to continuous wear due to the action of traffic and also to that of frost and the application of de-icing salts. The deteriorative damage affecting the concrete can range from mere surface wear by abrasion to loosening oi the structure of the material...
Recommendation for the maintenance of concrete roads in the Federal Republic of Germany
The "Code of practice for the maintenance of concrete roads" ("Merkblatt für die Erhaltung von Betonstrassen") was published in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1985. It is based on the 1968 edition, but clearly reflects further developments in maintenance techniques, e. g., improved drainage. The code forms part of...
Road/trackway structure a system for the future
In September 1984 the first West-European trial section with the Nikex system was constructed in Rotterdam. This sys~em was developed in the early seventies by the Public Transport Service of Budapest, a concrete manufacturer and Budapest University. By now, well over 225 km (single track) is in use in the...
New guidelines for the standardization of pavement structures 1986 edition (RStO 1986) – Comparative study at European level
The new standardization guidelines RStO 86 contain rules for the surfacing of roads and other trafficked areas with bituminous, concrete or block pavements, for fully cement-bound pavements as well as for cycle tracks and footpaths. Six pavement construction classes are distinguished, depending on traffic loading. For determining the construction class,...
Assessment of the evenness of cement concrete pavements and study of the means to achieve high quality evenness
Pavement evenness is one of the characteristics that are most directly felt by the road user. It determines not only driving comfort and safety for obvious reasons, but also the dependability and operation costs of vehicles. Evenness is measured using longitudinal profile surveys produced by the A.P.L. (longitudinal profile analyzer)....
Use of concrete block paving – Constructions in Belgium
Concrete paving blocks are an ideal material for the sufacing of trafficked areas, storage yards and residential roads in urban built-up areas. A number of examples of block pavings installed at Hasselt illustrate how it i~ thereby possible to create a pleasing "street image" which complies wi th the rules...