Experiences in Non-Destrucfive Testing by Impulse Radar and Impedance Methods in the Evaluation of Concrete High-Ways

Highways Members Only

The background to the two methods is given; together with their application to concrete pavements. Three case histories are presented where concrete highways have been tested by these techniques in the United Kingdom, some sections having asphalt overlays. The relative merits and disadvantages of the two methods are discussed in...

Performance of Crack & Seat and Saw & Seal Overlays

Highways Members Only

Maintenance problems in asphalt concrete overlays over portland cement concrete pavements may result from reflection cracking at the location of working joints and cracks in the underlying slab. Two methods of reflection crack control which have been used by many agencies in the United States within the past ten years...

The Use of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Argentina

Highways Members Only

The use of roller compacted concrete in high-way works started in Argentina in 1986 through a programme developed by the Instituto del Cemento Portland Argentino, ICPA (Argentine Portland Cement Institute). Several sections were designed and constructed in different areas of the country, using traditional laboratory tests, mix proportioning methods and...

Fatigue experiments for the design of plain concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

In the design of plain (unrelonforced) concrete pavements the influences of traffic and temperature, among others, are taken 1.nto account. These sue j ect, the pavements to load var1.a1:.l.onBse.cause the traffl.c comprises vehicles W1.th widely differing wheel loads, the loading pattern due to it is very erratl.c: the frequency dnd...

Survey of drainage methods for concrete road pavements

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In the Federal Republic of Germany, as in other countr~ es, concrete road pavements have in recent years been affected by deteriorative damage which is attributable to Lhe presence of wa ter in the pavement. lnvestigations which the Federal lnstitutefor Highway Englneerlng (Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen) started in 1981 aimed at...

Design and construction of continuously reinforced concrete composite pavement for the A63 South Docks Road Hull

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The paper describes the approach adopted for the design and construction of a continuously reinforced concrete road base (CRCB) pavement for a major trunk road proect in the north-east region of the United Kingdom. The trunk road, known as the South Docks Road, is currently under construction and programmed for...

Construction of airfield pavements with concrete

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Larger aircraft, heavier lo~ds, in~reasing numbers of load repetitions, but e8pec~ally s~ngle wheel loads of about 33 tonnes have given rise to d~age which has similarly affected airfields all over th~ world. The damage is in part due to the sub-base be1ng too weak and to lack of shear transfer...

Influence of Thermal Gradiente on Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Pavements

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The non-destructive evaluation of a concrete pavement must account for the temperature warping condition of the slab at the test time. In fact the thermal gradients induced in the slab by the daily temperature variations cause the temperature warping of the slab and this affects the value of the maximum...

Use of new road materials (industrial wastes) in mixes for sub-bases

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The replacement of traditional aggregates (limestone) by crushed blastfurnace slag or LD steelmaking slag in lean concrete and in cement-stabilized hardcore was investigated. The effect of adding fly-ash to mixes of the conventional type was also studied. For mixes of equal composition (in parts by volume) and equal grading (by...

Concrete pavements without and with dowels

Highways Members Only

The deformation behaviour of a transverse joint, without and with dowel bars, under the passage of a wheel, as calculated with the aid of Westergaard's formulae /1/ is represented in fig. 1. This shows that when there are no dowel bars and no aggregate interlock across the crack (efficiency index...

Construction alternatives for drainage when reconstructing motorways

Highways Members Only

Arrangements for surface and for the harmless di.scharee of saepaee water are dealt with. A differentiated analvsis of the long-term behaviour of the solutions adcp ced is g~ven, depending on the substantially different soils occuring as road foundation and subgrade. In connection with surface drainage the drainage arrangements at the...

Road concrete with superplasticizers

Highways Members Only

Road concrete made with superplasticizers has successfully been used for about ten years now. Its special features with regard to mix composition and method of placing were reported in detail at the London symposium in 1982. This method of construction is increasingly being applied in Austria: - For the maintenance...