Researchers and Technicians have ascertained that the use of ppropriate substitution materials in cement stabilizations and nixtures during the construction of road-base, sub-base and oundation layers allows to simultaneously fulfill technical-tructural, economical and environmental-ecological require-nents,~s an alternative by-product, Urban Solid Waste Ashes and:lags have been tested in a laboratory in...
Measurements of Noise Caused by Tyre Friction on Different Test Roads
This report isabout various tests concerning noise caused by tyre-friction on various surface textu-res: on old and new concrete roads as well as ona rough, uneven surface.In this connection the influence of the various sur-face textures on the development of the noisecaused by tyre-friction is explained.Through these tests it could...
Dependable Production of Air-Entrained Concrete with High Resistance to Freezing and Thawing in the Presente of De-Icing Salt For Road and Bridge Construction
To ensure that concrete has a high resistance to freezing and thawing it must contain small air voids which are produced by an air-entraining agent and which must be present in sufficient quantities to match the amount of fine mortar. The limits for the air content of unset concrete and...
A Project of Concrete Cycle Tracks in the Region of Hasselt
In spite of numerous cyclists (3.5 millions), until the seventies, the emphasis was in particular on the construction of motor roads and motorways. The cyclist was fairly vulnerable in this environment. From the eighties onward, a new vision appeared in the Flemish region: in and around conurbations, cycle track plans...
Experiences in Non-Destrucfive Testing by Impulse Radar and Impedance Methods in the Evaluation of Concrete High-Ways
The background to the two methods is given; together with their application to concrete pavements. Three case histories are presented where concrete highways have been tested by these techniques in the United Kingdom, some sections having asphalt overlays. The relative merits and disadvantages of the two methods are discussed in...
Performance of Crack & Seat and Saw & Seal Overlays
Maintenance problems in asphalt concrete overlays over portland cement concrete pavements may result from reflection cracking at the location of working joints and cracks in the underlying slab. Two methods of reflection crack control which have been used by many agencies in the United States within the past ten years...
The Use of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Argentina
The use of roller compacted concrete in high-way works started in Argentina in 1986 through a programme developed by the Instituto del Cemento Portland Argentino, ICPA (Argentine Portland Cement Institute). Several sections were designed and constructed in different areas of the country, using traditional laboratory tests, mix proportioning methods and...
Restraint Stresses in Young Concrete Pavements
Under adversè conditions, the restraint stresses of young concrete pavements can cause the forma-tion of random cracks. In order to determine theparameters which influence the formation of thesestresses a full-scale experiment including sixdifferent test sections was performed. The experi-ment showsthe greatinfluenceof climaticconditionsin the days after placing the concrete. The analy-sis...
Cement Grouted Macadam
Cementgrouted macadam (CM) is a 150-200 mm thick baselayer of macadam, 32-65 mm, which is stabilized to full homogeneity with a cement-slurry composed by cement, sand, flyash, air-entrainer, a superplasticizer and water. The cement-slurry is spread out by a especially equipped caterpillar-tracked asphalt-paver.
Road Marking on Concrete Problems and Solutions
R.oadpaint containing a dissolving agent and hot applied ther-noplastic marking materials are most commonly used for roadnarking in the Netherlands. The only marking materials al-lowed on Dutch motorways are those that have proven theirsuitability in laboratory research and experimental sections on:he road. During a period of 25 years no concrete...
The Brite Project on the Freeze/Thaw Durability of Concrete Block Paving
The prime objective of this programme is to develop an ac-zelerated freeze/thaw performance test that relates reliably tofield performance.Samples of 40 experimental block mixes have been placed onone or more of 5 exposure sites. Data from meteorologicalstations on these sites are being used to model the relationshipbetween ambient conditions and...
Nature Related Constructions in Rural Districts Wheel-Track Paving with Concrete
In the sixties and seventies it used to be the traditional way to build paved country roads in full width in rural road construction. Economical consciousness, agricultural production zones -in the context of developing better economical systems-forced us to change our views. A very natural path is a wheel-track path...