Evaluation of the Reliability of Concrete Pavements Considering the Fatigue Properties

Highways Members Only

In the mechanistic design method of concrete pavements, the flexural fatigue properties have a great influence when analysing the design life. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of stress ratio (YmIn/cmax), maximum size of coarse aggregate and static flexural strength of the pavement concrete on...

New Standards in the Construction of Aircraft Movement Areas

Airports Members Only

Airport runways and other aircraft movement areas are among today's most important infrastructure elements. The paper gives an introduction to general aspects of design and construction of concrete airport pavements, emphasizing the advantages of the two-course "wet on wet" placement technique. The above mentioned aspects are illustrated by the description...

Low Noise Concrete Pavements in Germany

Highways Members Only

Noise protection has been a main concern in Germany for a long time. The contribution of the road surface to the reduction of traffic noise is recorded with correction values and taken into consideration in noise protection calculations which are legally significant in the planning and construction of roads. These...

Scope of the Activities ot the Joint Research ProgidrIlille on Concrete Roads in the Netherlands

Highways Members Only

In comparison with Germany and Belgium, the Netherlands only have a small amount of cement concrete roads. Asphalt is a Dutch tradition. However, the idea of building concrete roads is slowly coming back into favour. A broadly based Steering Group is investigating how and where cement concrete can be used...

Experiments with Concrete Pavements on the LCPC Fatigue Test Track

Highways Members Only

In France, the Highway Department, the concrete pavement contracting companies and the lime and cement industries represented by their national associations, initiated in 1991 a major experiment on the pavement fatigue test track of the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC). The objective of these full-scale tests was to...

Improvement of the Adherence between Old and New Concrete in Road Construction – Procedures and Testing Methods

Highways Members Only

The mechanical adherence properties of new concrete bound with old concrete surfaces which had been pretreated in a conventional manner as well as with new techniques, have been studied uding fracture mechanical methods. It was shown that far better adherences are achieved with specially structured old concrete surfaces than with...

Stabilization of Contaminated Soils

Highways Members Only

The elution behaviour of acid and alkaline soils, contaminated with diesel oil, PER and mercury salt, of different grading curves (sandy loam to loam-free fine gravel), was examined both before and after stabilization with cement. After cement stabilization, all heavily contaminated soils (eluate class Ill) yielded an eluate that corresponded...

Urban and Pen-Urban Porous Pavements

Highways Members Only

The control of disturbances (noise, flooding, runoff water pollution, etc.) nowadays constitutes a major preoccupation of local populations. The roadway, in the diversity of the functions it performs in the urban and pen-urban scctor, can contnibutc activcly to the control of such disturbances. Porous pavements constitute a valuable area of...

The Implementation of RCC Pavements in Colombia

Highways Members Only

Colombia is a developing country with enormous difficulties for the implementation of new technologies due to their introduction costs and the positioning of existing ones. Despite the constant academic efforts to keep it alive, the construction of concrete pavements has been asleep for years as a consequence of the obsolescence...

Experiences with the Treatment of some Defects of a Concrete Pavement during Construction

Highways Members Only

The aim of this paper is to discuss some defects of the concrete pavement during the construction of the second northern expressway project in Taiwan. The possible reasons of and techniques for repairing these defects are studied in the paper. The defects discussed include the cracks in the lean concrete...

Temperature Effects on the Concrete Pavement of the Marco Polo Airport of Venice

Airports Members Only

This paper examines the results of temperature and strain measurements obtained using strain gauges installed in the concrete pavement of the aircraft parking area of the "Marco Polo" international airport of Venice. The purpose was to control the design assumptions and models and to assess the long term behaviour of...

Noise Reduction on Concrete Paving Blocks

Highways Members Only

Today the people in the cities require, more than in former times, a nice looking but also noice reduced pavement. The aim of our one year trial in 1 9w92h,i ch was promoted by the Austrian innovation fund, was to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. 1200 m of new concrete...