Precast concrete pavements (PCCP) are constructed by placing small size precast concrete slabs on the subbase. In this paper, the loading and warping stresses are discussed based on the results of the experiment and FEM analysis. A test pavement was constructed using 1 - 3 m size and 150 mm...
Roadway Pavements of Recycled Concrete
In Switzerland deposits of gravel are growing scarce. For this and ecological reasons an effort is being made to recycle material, i.e. material produced by roadway demolition -instead of being dumpedshould be re-used in a way to achieve the highest possible quality. This means orderly reconstruction and separation of the...
New Developments in Concrete Safety Barriers – Variants on the New Jersey Profile
Conventional concrete safety barriers of the New Jersey type are frequently used in Belgium. At the end of 1993 more than 1600 km had been placed. Slightly higher precast safety barriers connected by a Swedish system have been successfully used especially to separate the traffic during reconstruction works of a...
Cracking and Corrosion in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements
As a number of CRC sections were gradually reaching a respectable age, the CRIC undertook an investigation in 1990 on possible corrosion of reinforcements. The close average spacing ot cracks (40 to 60 cm) in sections with 0.85% of steel and a bituminous base course was surprising. On the other...
Influence of Cement on the Durability of Concrete Pavements
Cement for concrete pavements has to meet special requirements. Besides cement properties which influence the fresh concrete, the cement is of great importance for the durability of concrete pavements. If the joints in the young concrete are not sawn early after paving, cracks can form in the pavement. With cracking-frame...
Spanish Experience with Concrete Pavements for Airports
Spain can boast of having a very large concrete pavement area, amounting to more than 90 percent in over 35 civil airfields and 5 military air bases. Technical details, construction methods and performance of these pavements are analysed, together with their evolution in the latest projects which have started in...
Noise Reducing Concrete Block Pavements
In recent years several investigations were carried out in Germany aimed at reducing the tyre-road noise on concrete block pavements. The results show that these pavements can be constructed with a surface producing the same low traffic noise level as the reference asphalt road surface. In the paper, conclusions are...
Materials Mix Design and Quality Control
A system for assessing the materials used for the construction of a concrete road is presented. The materials constituting the three layers of the pavement -ely stabilised granular mix, cement-bound mix, concrete and porous concrete for the road shoulders- were accurately selected and subjected to thorough controls during construction. The...
Evaluation of Concrete Pavements on the Restauration with Thin Aspahit Layers
To improve the surface quality or the water drainage and the service life of a mediocre damaged concrete pavement, this pavement can be overlaid with a 4 to 6 cm thick asphalt layer. The status of the concrete pavement and of the joints with respect to potential reflection cracks needs...
Development of a Test to Compare Anti-Reflective Cracking Treatments
In Spain, like in other European countries, during the last twenty years roads constructed with cement bound base layers have had many maintenance problems due to reflective cracking. It is impossible to know the effectiveness of the new treatments which are applied as anti-reflective cracking measures. Therefore a laboratory test...
Reconstruction of a Section of the A9 Motorway Using Recycled Aggregate Concrete
In Germany the use of concrete with aggregates obtained from crushed concrete (RC aggregate) has been quite limited in comparison to other countries such as the USA and Austria. This situation is caused mainly by the lack of appropriate regulations for this kind of application. For this reason, the award...
Slip Formed MaIa Slotted Gutter
"MAIA" is a slotted driveable gutter used for the drainage of motorways and airports. T.S.S. adapted the SATUJO slotted gutter method to be realized on a slipform paver. The new concept is based on the insertion of an air inflated reusable flexible tube on a slipform paver which enables the...