High Performance and Rapid Setting Concrete for Airports Roads, the Experience of Madrid-Barajas Airport

Airports Members Only

This report details the reconstruction of 12,500 m 2 of 7.5*7.5*0.4m concrete slabs on the Madrid-Barajas airpoi't apron, using high performance and rapid setting concrete (HPRSC). HPRSC is an ideal concrete for this type of repairs, given that within six hours of placing the slab is able to bear its...

Properties of Porous Concrete with High Strength

Highways Members Only

In recent years in Japan, permeable asphalt pavement, with its efficient drainage and reduced tire/road noise, has seen increasing use because permits safer driving and does not create environmental problems. For this study, inorganic materials were used to make porous concrete suitable for roadway use, without the addition of polymers....

Stiff Concrete Paving on Minor Road Systems – Results of a National Inquiry About Mountain Roads

Highways Members Only

Our investigation was aimed at obtaining information on the road pavements of several mountain road systems subjected to limited traffic and leading to sheep-farming settlements or woodland areas managed by local mountain consortia (Mountain Communities, CM). Steeper car-track sections were found to be paved in concrete to prevent vehicles from...

Standard Designs for Concrete Roads

Highways Members Only

A manual on standard pavement design has recently been presented in The Netherlands. This manual deals with various types of roads constructed in plain concrete, composed as Publication no. 120 under the auspices of CROW (CROW = Centre for Research and Contract Standardization in Civil and Traffic Engineering). The manual...

Numerical Investigation on Deformations and Stresses in Concrete Highway Pavements

Highways Members Only

In this paper, results of numerical simulations of the deformation behaviour of concrete highway pavements under hygral and thermal gradients are presented. It is shown that.high temperature gradients, which could be caused by a temperature shock may lead to thermal cracking at the surface of the concrete. Further shrinkage cracking...

Use of Porous Concrete Road Tiases in Belgium

Highways Members Only

Porous concrete is mainly used to prevent problems of water stagnation between a concrete pavement or a block paving surface and the base. In the new tender specifications SB 250 of the Flemish Region, requirements concerning porous concrete have been introduced, in particular • a percentage of voids of between...

PCC (Paver Compacted Concrete)

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FCC (Paver Compacted Concrete) is laid with conventional road payers equipped with special screeds, namely with High-Power Compaction Screeds. The main difference compared with other concrete technologies primarily used in nowadays road construction (slipform paving) is that FCC is compacted from the surface with tamping, vibrating and pressing compacting systems....

Sand-Rich Concrete – An Alternative to Ordinary Concrete

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The natural raw materials gravel and sand are worldwide mined on a large scale. In many areas of Germany natural resources contain 70 % (and more) sand and less than 30 % gravel. Therefore in particular very fine sand often cannot be used and must be stored in waste disposal...

The Namur Test Road Behavior of Various Types of Contraction Joints After 17 Years of Traffic

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This article describes the behaviour after 17 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur. The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...

Pavement Performance and Evaluation of a Four Years Old Concrete Road – Study of a Concrete Section of the E6 Road at Falkenberg in Sweden

Highways Members Only

Interest in concrete roads has increased in Sweden in recent years. Contributory factors are the increased traffic loadings, which demand more rigid types of pavements, and the excellent resistance of concrete roads to wear from studded tyres. This conference paper describes the pavement performance of a four-years-old concrete road that...

Performance of Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavements Prestressed at Joints

Highways Members Only

The precast prestressed cornrele pavement (PPCP), which allows rapid execution of repair works such as these on intersections, is inasinglyuse1 these days. It contains many joints that conventionally take the form of dowel bars, which, however, are reported to be vuhierable to damage by rainwater seepage and other factors. To...

Roughness and Ride Quality of Airport Pavements

Airports Members Only

This paper describes a method for routinely evaluating airfield pavement surface roughness from an aircraft ride quality perspective. The method is designed to be as compatible as practical with existing pavement management system data collection and reporting processes. Ride quality has always been recognized as a major factor in a...