AUS-SPEC Rigid Pavements Worksections


It would be great if the ASCP members can volunteer to review the following attached AUS-SPEC rigid pavements work sections: 1131 Roller compacted concrete subbase 1132 Lean mix concrete subbase 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base Attached below is...

ASCP Corporate Membership

Highways Free

Overview Technical representation of industry to clients Education of staff through training courses, workshops, conferences and forums Networking and sharing of information and experiences with other members Participation in ASCP committees and workgroups Online technical resources Promotional opportunities at ASCP events and on website Recognition at all ASCP events and...

ASCP Strategy 2021

Highways Free

This document sets out the strategic themes to be focussed on in 2021. Updates 15th June 2021: Sustainability elevated in importance Upgrades renamed "Renewals" (pending review by NE)

ASCP Constitution March 2021


Following the AGM 2021, some clauses from the ASCP's Constitution were modified. Here is an extract. Mission Statement The mission of the society is to facilitate the advancement of knowledge and technology related to concrete pavements through education, technology transfer and research in Australia. The Society will gather and disseminate...

ASCP Technical Issue submission form ASCP Issues identification and management

Members Only

Technical Issues Register ASCP welcomes Members’ submissions on Technical issues which they believe are of importance to our concrete pavements industry.  The purpose of this process is to identify broad industry issues – issues which may have a wide occurrence, or issues which impact on a range of our Members’...

ASCP Strategy 2020

Highways Free

This document sets out the strategic themes to be focussed on in 2020.