In this paper the results of several experimental studies carried out in order to determine some properties of RCC are described. These properties are important to design and to control RCC pavements: - comparison between strain modulus of different RCC and vibrated concrete mixes whose mechanical strength were similar; proposal...
Experimental Study of the Strain Modulus of Compacted Concrete
The Use of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Argentina
The use of roller compacted concrete in high-way works started in Argentina in 1986 through a programme developed by the Instituto del Cemento Portland Argentino, ICPA (Argentine Portland Cement Institute). Several sections were designed and constructed in different areas of the country, using traditional laboratory tests, mix proportioning methods and...
Properties of Roller Compacted and Vibrated Concrete at Early Ages Evaluation Through Ultrasonic Energy Measurements
Measurements of the energy of ultrasonic pulses as a means of establishing the relationship between the structure of material md its properties, have bcen studied during a long period of .ime in the Torroja Institute. Energy quantification of the pulse does consider all the characteristics of wave and materials. This...
RCC Applications in Low-Volume Roads in Spain
The first known applications of RCC pavements in low-volume roads in Spain took place around 1969-1970. They included pavements located on housing developments, urban streets and rural roads. These applications have been increasing until now, when the technique is used in different parts of Spain and in other countries (Norway,...
Roller-Compacted Concrete as a Road Building Material in South Africa
Roller-compacted concrete (ReC) offers a solution to the vast number of good quality lowvolume roads which will have to be provided in the near future to accommodate South Africa's rapidly expanding rural road needs. The research effort presented in this paper involved a laboratory study and the construction and accelerated...
Use of Roller Compacted Concrete RCC in Norway
The first Ree full scale testing project in Norway took place in 1981. Since then appr. 260.000 m2 Ree have been placed. The use of Ree in roads in Norway has been directed by the following main principles: 1. Ree shall be a pavement with good bearing capacity, good resistance...
Roller Compacted Concrete For Pavements in Military Areas Within the Federal Republic of Germany
Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements have been constructed on six US Forces military installations within the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). These RCC pavements will be used as hardstands supporting either wheeled or tracked vehicles. RCC hardstands within the FRG have saved as much as 22 % of the construction cost...
Various Construction Techniques in North America_ Asia and Europe Economic Construction with Roller-Compacted Concrete
Clients and contractors all over the world are aiming to reduce construction cost by using less expensive construction material and applying new, more economic construction methods. This is a continuous challenge to the manufacturers of construction machinery to modify existing machines or develop new ones to meet the contractor's requirements....
Experience with Rolled Concrete For Traffic Areas in the Federal Republic of Germany
Traffic areas are being executed to an increasing degree with roller compacted concrete. This concerns a concrete which is transported with earth-moving equipment, installed and compacted. To gather experience on concrete technology, test fields were laid. Furthermore, within the framework of a quality assurance program, comprehensive tests were performed on...
5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany
Closing ceremony from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany
5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany
Indexes, General Reports and Additional Contributions from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany
5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany
Index of Papers and Opening from Addresses from the 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany