
The Implementation of RCC Pavements in Colombia


Colombia is a developing country with enormous difficulties for the implementation of new technologies due to their introduction costs and the positioning of existing ones. Despite the constant academic efforts to keep it alive, the construction of concrete pavements has been asleep for years as a consequence of the obsolescence...

Time Dependent Behaviour of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Port Yards


This paper describes the investigation of the time dependent behaviour of roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) in port yards resulting from drying shrinkage and thermal stresses, and sedsuridi effects on the joint width. Test results show that even with a joint spacing of 8 m, approximately 1 N/mm2 of thermal...

The Influence of Composition and Compaction on the Properties of Roller Compactcd Concrete


In many countries rullw cumpactod concrete (RCC) proved to be a success as a construction method for highly stressed industrial floors, for concrete pavements, subbases for concrete pavements and asphalt surfaces. Since 1993 the Research, Development and Consulting Department of tho Heidelberger Zement AG is attended with a research project...

A New Mix Design Methodology for Roller Compacted Concrete, with Case Studies


A new mix design methodology for roller compacted concrete (RCC) is described that involves preparing low and high density specimens at various (typically three) cement contents. For each specimen density is determined. Strengths (compressive and/or split tensile) are measured at various intervals (e.g., 1, 4, 7 and 28 days). Multiple...

6th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1990 Madrid Spain


Session Paper Indexes, Opening Addresses, General Reports, Oral Contributions and Closings from the 6th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1990 Madrid Spain

Time-Dependent Behaviour of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements


Roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) have been increasingly constructed in many places in Japan. However, the behaviour of RCCP in the areas of joints and cracked sections has not been completely cleared. In order to establish a rational thickness design of RCCP and to study long-term behaviour of RCCP and...

Interaction Between Mix Design Construction and Properties For RCCP


When roller-compacted concrete pavements (ReePi :11' u-cd ill Sweden, they are always used as a wear cour-e. Evpenenee shows that RCCP which have been laid meet the functional requirements. Carefully executed quality control is important for the results. Consequently two new lest methods. the Kango (cube) and the RA methods....

Behaviour of Rolled Compacted Concrete Results of Measurements in Experimental Pavements


Precise measurements on experimental ruil scale pavements demonstrate that curling and warping phenomena arc affecting similarly the RCC and the conventional PCC pavements of equivalent designs: with «light differences in deflections and joint openings mainly attributed to different adherence at the slab-base interface. After IS months exposed to drying shrinkage....

High Strength Roller Compacted Concrete


The present paper is devoted to the development of high strength, frost resistant roller compacted concrete. Effects of using silica fume, superplasticizer and air-entraining admixture in Ree are investigated in a comprehensive laboratory research program. It is demonstrated that it is possible through the use of these additives to achieve...

Experimental Study of the Strain Modulus of Compacted Concrete


In this paper the results of several experimental studies carried out in order to determine some properties of RCC are described. These properties are important to design and to control RCC pavements: - comparison between strain modulus of different RCC and vibrated concrete mixes whose mechanical strength were similar; proposal...

The Use of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Argentina


The use of roller compacted concrete in high-way works started in Argentina in 1986 through a programme developed by the Instituto del Cemento Portland Argentino, ICPA (Argentine Portland Cement Institute). Several sections were designed and constructed in different areas of the country, using traditional laboratory tests, mix proportioning methods and...

Properties of Roller Compacted and Vibrated Concrete at Early Ages Evaluation Through Ultrasonic Energy Measurements


Measurements of the energy of ultrasonic pulses as a means of establishing the relationship between the structure of material md its properties, have bcen studied during a long period of .ime in the Torroja Institute. Energy quantification of the pulse does consider all the characteristics of wave and materials. This...