
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in a Tunnel in Liege – Belgium


In June 2000, a new motorway link (E25-E40) was inaugurated in Liège to solve transit and local traffic problems. It serves more than 65,000 vehicles a day in both directions. With multiple technical, environmental and security-related constraints, the 5 kilometres of this infrastructure prefigure numerous works such as bridges, roads,...

A Low Cost Equipment For Accelerated Testing of Pavement Materials


Testing the behaviour of different pavement materials under repeated application of loads has been recognized as very essential to predict the performance of pavements. Most of the methodologies /equipments used to carry out such tests involve huge sums of money both in terms of initial investment and recurring expenditure. Also,...

Feasibility of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Construction in Turkey


Continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCPs), when proper design and construction guidelines are followed, may allow more than thirty million equivalent single axle load application as observed at existing CRCP sections in the United States of America. Otherwise, the CRCP may prematurely fail and require costly maintenance earlier than anticipated. In...

Effect of Concrete Road Roughness on Dynamic Response of Girder Bridges


The dynamic response of highway bridges subjected to moving truckloads is observed to be dependent on dynamic characteristics of the bridge, vehicle dynamics, and road surface roughness profile. Road roughness and the bump at bridge entrance between bridge and concrete approach slabs are the major contributors to the dynamic amplification...

Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete Containing a Non-Standard High Calcium Fly Ash


Although roller compacted concrete (RCC) made with and without fly ash (FA) has enjoyed numerous application of dams, roads and large floors construction in Europe, Japan, Australia and Unites States since 1970s, it has not almost yet been used at all in Turkey despite abundant and economical sources of FA...

Use of Taguchi Optimization Technique in Pavement Concrete Mix Design


In a concrete mix design, there are many mix variables affecting the concrete performance. If all the mix variables are taken into account, it may be necessary to use the full factorial design of experiment to obtain the concrete in the desired mechanical properties. It means more need of material,...

Optimisation Model for Functional Properties of Concrete Roads


Concrete is a suitable material for road pavements, both technically and economically. That holds especially for roads with high traffic intensity and heavy loads. Concrete roads have several technical advantages such as high wear resistance and load bearing capacity, good durability and a bright surface. In order to make concrete...

Concrete By-Passes


Concrete pavements have been used in Germany mainly for federal motorways, airfields and industrial areas and less for state and provincial roads. By-passes have been constructed with asphalt pavements. In 2001/ 2002 a by-pass in the course of a federal trunk road was constructed with a concrete pavement for the...

Flexural Behavior of Beams Strengthened with Frp Composite Sheets


During recent years studies have reported the crises involving deficiency or deterioration of a considerable portion of the Nation infrastructure. Many concrete structures need repair and strengthening for several reasons, such as expired design life, changes in functionality, damage caused by mechanical actions and environmental effects, more stringent design requirements,...

Life Costing and Reliability Concepts in Concrete Pavement Design: the South African Approach


An empirical concrete pavement design method, based on mechanistic principles, was developed for use by the general practitioner. It was recognized that the outcome of the design process should not concern only layer characteristics and risk of failure, but also the area of pavement possibly afflicted by a particular mode...

Porous Concrete/ Laboratory Versus Field Experience


Porous concrete is used as top layer on highway roads to obtain noise reducing and permeable pavements. An extensive laboratory investigation has been executed to obtain an optimum mixture composition for the use as top layer on highway roads. This comprises a good resistance against heavy traffic, no rooting and...

Effect of Curing on Strength and Chloride Penetration into Concretes Made with Portland and Blast Furnace Slag Cements


In this paper, portland cement concretes and concretes with blast furnace slag cement were studied to determine the parameters for strength and chloride permeability under different curing procedures. For this purpose, four concrete mixtures were made at two different water cement ratios of 0.45 and 0.65 with cement contents of...