
Road Roughness and Its Effects on the Infrastructure Caused by Dynamic Wheel Loads


The intention of this paper is to shed light on the interaction between road roughness and the resulting road damage caused by static and dynamic wheel forces. For this purpose several trucks have been mathematically modeled as multi-body systems in great detail. The models are based on actual data of...

From the Road To the Railway Urban Transportation Trackdim Transposition of a Calculation Method


Alstom who is a major company in the turnkey railways construction activity including railways track construction, developed an adaptation of roads and highways calculation modelization based on concrete fatigue resistance under traffic loads to for railways tracks calculation purpose. Roads and highways have a long and rich experience and data...

Considerations on Consistency Test and Properties of Porous Concrete for Pavement


The porous concrete surface and sub-base for pavements is required higher coefficient of permeability than 0.01cm/sec and higher bending strength than 3 or 4.5 N/mm2. In order to obtain workability and these qualities, suitable methods for testing consistency was investigated. It was possible to judge the consistency for quality control...

Some Physical Properties of Roller Compacted Concretes Used in Road Pavement Applications


Some physical test results available in the literature on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) were evaluated. Most of the physical properties of RCCs such as drying shrinkage, frost resistance, abrasion, and fatigue are similar to those of conventional concrete with the same water-cement ratio. Since RCC is a zero slump concrete...

Manufacture and Use of Precast Elements for the Construction of Traffic Calming Devices


In recent years, the proliferation of safety devices, the absence of legislation in the matter and the problems encountered in terms of the stability, efficiency and durability of these devices have resulted in the experimental manufacture of precast elements for the construction of road humps and plateaus. At the current...

Renewal of Concrete Slabs Using High Performance Concrete


The considerable increase of road traffic all over the world increases the demand for traffic surfaces with a longer lifespan and less repairs. When doing maintenance and repair works it is very important to keep short construction times in order to reduce obstruction to traffic to meet this challenge. A...

The Structural Properties of Optimised Exposed Aggregate Concrete in the Netherlands


Indicative research on three new types of concrete roads by the Dutch Association of the Netherlands Cement Industry (VNC) in 1993 had shown that a concrete surface of exposed aggregates could be further optimised with respect to traffic noise reduction. In 1996, the Dutch Information and Technology Centre for Transport...

Joints in Concrete Roads


Concrete has been used as a construction material for road pavements for many years. Over the last 40 years, the world has seen a major program of motorway and trunk road constructions. The increase in the amount and individual weight of vehicular traffic has made increasing demands on the performance...

Determination of a Dedicated Concrete Pavement Network Using Probabilistic Life-Cycle Cost Analysis


In 2001, the Québec Ministry of Transportation (MTQ), in Canada, adopted a policy subdividing the existing pavement network into dedicated concrete and asphalt networks. This paper presents the methodology used for determining these respective dedicated networks using probabilistic Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Sixteen (16) different combinations of Average Annual...

Crack Control in Liquid Tight Constructions


In Western Europe the demand for a crack-free structure is not uncommon. Due to environmental reasons more and more (concrete) structures are built to prevent toxic liquids from leakage trough the structure to the subsoil and groundwater. These structures can be found for instance in the chemical industry, petrol stations,...

The Use of Statistical Experimental Design to Investigate the Autoclave Curing and Standard Curing of Cement


28 day compressive strength of Portland cement mortar was investigated for standard curing and for autoclave curing. The effects of %C3S, %SO3 and Blaine on strength development in both curing methods are compared via the use of statistical experimental design techniques. Box-Behnken response surface methodology was adopted to create a...

Remarkable Belgian Projects Using Coloured Exposed Aggregate Concrete Surfaces


The use of coloured exposed aggregate concrete in public spaces has made considerable progress in Belgium. As such, urban planners have become aware of the architectural value of this technique. The variety of shapes, colours and textures combined with the well-known advantages of concrete such as resistance and durability explain...