On the European route E35 near Utrecht in the Netherlands a new highway section has been built. The authority in charge has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase. A monitoring program has been started to collect data from the pavement behaviour. The data will be used fnr rnmparing the chosen...
Monitoring Program for a Continuously Reinforced Concrete Roadbase in the E35 Highway in the Netherlands
Roundabouts with Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements
Roundabouts have already been used in Belgium for several years to regulate traffic at major road intersections. The surfaces at roundabouts are particularly subject to tangential stresses that result from centrifugal forces and from the overload on the outside wheels by the more or less significant tilting of the vehicles...
Overlaying and Behavior of Lorient-Lann Bihone Main Runway with Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC)
The main runway of Lorient-Lann Bihoud airport was overlayed with continuously reinforced concrete in 1989. This operation is examplary because from the technical viewpoint it is still today the only one in Europe. This runway is used now for eight years by civil and military traffic. The cracking development is...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete with Noise Reducing Surface for the Reconstruction of the E31 3 (Al 3) Motorway in Hasselt (Belgium)
rFor the reconstruction of the E31 3 motorway which was constructed with concrete slabs round about 1960, CRCP was chosen and since 1983 the exposed aggregate technique was applied there. As the conventional exposed aggregate concrete is still too noisy, in 1992 it was decided to pursue the reconstruction works...
A CRCP Inlay for the Rehabilitation of a Deteriorated Concrete Pavement on a Motorway with Very Heavy Traffic
Short description of the rehabilitation works on the most heavily trafficked motorway in Belgium.
Positive Results Obtained from CRCP Projects in France (1988-1991)
C.R.C.P. Technology has been selected by SAPRR in France foz its overlay programme on the heavy traffic Highway A6 Paris/Lyon. This programme started in 1983 with deformed bars Fe E500 with a steellconcrete section ratio 0,67%. Considering the logistic and safety problems on
Continuously Reinforced Semi-Rigid Pavements – Experiment and Development
The continuously-reinforced semi-rigid structure consists basically of a thick structural layer placed directly on the foundation when it is made of untreated, permeable materials, or on a draining layer of geotextile when it is treated. This layer is made of concrete having a low cement content and cracking is rnntrnlled...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete for the Diamond-Shaped Toll Square and the Pavement of the Licfkcnshocktunnol in Antwerp (Belgium)
For the construction of the LIEFKENSHOEK-toll tunnel under the river Scheldt, the Flemish Road Administration has once again chosen CRCP, 20 cm thick, as the best solution for the pavement inand outside the tunnel. By also choosing CRCP for the 30.000 m 2 diamond shaped toll-square, it was possible to...
Cracking and Corrosion in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements
As a number of CRC sections were gradually reaching a respectable age, the CRIC undertook an investigation in 1990 on possible corrosion of reinforcements. The close average spacing ot cracks (40 to 60 cm) in sections with 0.85% of steel and a bituminous base course was surprising. On the other...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Road Bases
In the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat is the authority in charge among others of the construction of highways. The department Limburg of Rijkswaterstaat has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase for the construction of the 12 km long new highway section between the cities of Venray and Boxmeer. This choice was based...
Investigation on Thermal Stress and Prestress of a 151 m Prestressed Concrete Pavement
Few prestressed concrete pavements of more than 100 m length have been constructed in order to avoid the development of cracking at early ages as well as to get design prestress. It the prestressed concrete slab is paved as long as possible, the construction period is shorter and the cost...
Noise Reducing Techniques on Existing Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements on Belgian Motorways
Most of the Belgian Motorways, with a concrete pavement, have a deeply grooved concrete surface. Although those wearing courses have a very good skid resistance, there is a great concern about the noise pollution. Not only noise barriers and the porous asphalt overlay, but recently also the grinding are an...