In the mechanistic design method of concrete pavements, the flexural fatigue properties have a great influence when analysing the design life. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of stress ratio (YmIn/cmax), maximum size of coarse aggregate and static flexural strength of the pavement concrete on...
Technological Aspects of Ensuring the Frost and Salt Resistance of Concrete Pavements
The resistance of concrete pavements against frost and salt is ensured by creating the necessary volume of finely-dispersed air voids in the concrete by entraining air during the mixing process with appropriate admixtures. The influence of various structural and technological factors on the stability of entrained air and the formation...
Technique to Create Wear Resistant Concrete
Through expericnccs during the last years we have gained knowledge about the decisive factors to obtain a wear resistant concrete pavement. The most important factors are: the quality of the aggregate, the strength of the concrete, the adhesiveness between the cement paste and the aggregate particles, the maximum size of...
Elastomer Profiles for Concrete Roads
Since 1985 more and more elastomer prnfiles MA iiced for longitudinal and transverse joints of German highways to get a watertight filler between the concrete slabs. Specially designed highway profiles are compression seals that can be installed even under wet and cold weather conditions. They can follow very large joint...
Upgrading of Porphyry 04 Crushed Stone Sand By Stabilization with Cement
One way of upgrading crushed stone sand is to add cement, for the purpose of using it in a foundation layer. The authors report on their experience with stabilization by means of cement and with the use of the material in the foundation of a motorway work site. The previous...
Some Characteristics of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete
A wide experimental campaign was carried out on concretes with the addition of polypropylene fibers. This way it was possible to obtain useful information on the morphological structure, on the trend in time of compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and impact strength, and on the influence on these trends of...
Longterm Effects of Environmental Aggressiveness on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete For Road Construction
Steel-fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) has found several interesting applications in the field of road pavement and structure maintenance operations (overlays and bridge decks, prestressed beams, expansion joints). One possible drawback, however, is fiber corrosion, especially across cracks, with resulting disconnections between adjacent slabs and deterioration of reinforced concrete. The present paper...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Road Bases
In the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat is the authority in charge among others of the construction of highways. The department Limburg of Rijkswaterstaat has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase for the construction of the 12 km long new highway section between the cities of Venray and Boxmeer. This choice was based...
Cracking and Corrosion in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements
As a number of CRC sections were gradually reaching a respectable age, the CRIC undertook an investigation in 1990 on possible corrosion of reinforcements. The close average spacing ot cracks (40 to 60 cm) in sections with 0.85% of steel and a bituminous base course was surprising. On the other...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete for the Diamond-Shaped Toll Square and the Pavement of the Licfkcnshocktunnol in Antwerp (Belgium)
For the construction of the LIEFKENSHOEK-toll tunnel under the river Scheldt, the Flemish Road Administration has once again chosen CRCP, 20 cm thick, as the best solution for the pavement inand outside the tunnel. By also choosing CRCP for the 30.000 m 2 diamond shaped toll-square, it was possible to...
Continuously Reinforced Semi-Rigid Pavements – Experiment and Development
The continuously-reinforced semi-rigid structure consists basically of a thick structural layer placed directly on the foundation when it is made of untreated, permeable materials, or on a draining layer of geotextile when it is treated. This layer is made of concrete having a low cement content and cracking is rnntrnlled...
Positive Results Obtained from CRCP Projects in France (1988-1991)
C.R.C.P. Technology has been selected by SAPRR in France foz its overlay programme on the heavy traffic Highway A6 Paris/Lyon. This programme started in 1983 with deformed bars Fe E500 with a steellconcrete section ratio 0,67%. Considering the logistic and safety problems on