
Reducing Traffic Noise on Cement Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

This paper concerns a joint research programme being undertaken by the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (Australia) and the Cement and Concrete Association of Australia. The objective of the research is to develop quieter concrete road surfaces, whilst maintaining acceptable skid resistance, by modifying the surface texture...

Continuously Reinforced Concrete with Noise Reducing Surface for the Reconstruction of the E31 3 (Al 3) Motorway in Hasselt (Belgium)

Highways Members Only

rFor the reconstruction of the E31 3 motorway which was constructed with concrete slabs round about 1960, CRCP was chosen and since 1983 the exposed aggregate technique was applied there. As the conventional exposed aggregate concrete is still too noisy, in 1992 it was decided to pursue the reconstruction works...

Experiences with Noise Reducing Surfaces for Existing Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

In Carinthia a surface dressing with epoxy resin as binder and chippings 3/4 mm has been used since 1989. The task was to get better noise reducing conditions of existing concrete pavements. The result can be seen in noise reducing properties of - 6 db(A) compared with the existing old...

Noise Reduction on Concrete Paving Blocks

Highways Members Only

Today the people in the cities require, more than in former times, a nice looking but also noice reduced pavement. The aim of our one year trial in 1 9w92h,i ch was promoted by the Austrian innovation fund, was to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. 1200 m of new concrete...

Low Noise Concrete Pavements in Germany

Highways Members Only

Noise protection has been a main concern in Germany for a long time. The contribution of the road surface to the reduction of traffic noise is recorded with correction values and taken into consideration in noise protection calculations which are legally significant in the planning and construction of roads. These...

Spanish Practice and Experience with Longitudinal Finish

Highways Members Only

Since slip-form payers were introduced in Spain in 1930, more than 1.400 km of two-lane concrete pavements have been constructed with them. A proportion exceeding 90% of the total has been provided with longitudinal finishes, using different methods: burlap, plastic-bristled brushes, metal -tined combs, etc. In all cases, surfaces with...

Surface Characteristics of a Recently Constructed Concrete Motorway in the UK

Highways Members Only

A full-scale trial has been constructed in the UK in which concrete surfaces with brushed, tined bnd exposed aggregate textures have been compared with traditional hot rolled asphalt. The concrete surfaces were applied to a 250 mm thick, continuously reinforced concrete pavement laid by railmounted paving equipment. The exposed aggregate...

Noise Reducing Techniques on Existing Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements on Belgian Motorways

Highways Members Only

Most of the Belgian Motorways, with a concrete pavement, have a deeply grooved concrete surface. Although those wearing courses have a very good skid resistance, there is a great concern about the noise pollution. Not only noise barriers and the porous asphalt overlay, but recently also the grinding are an...

Enlargement Works at the Airport of Liege (Belgium)

Airports Members Only

The airport of LiOge in Belgium has been the subject of major works for several yearjSince the country was regionalized a few years ago, the Wlloon Region has invested over 1,5 milliard Bel g ian francs. Several new buildings have already been constructed.rThe most spectacular wor, however,lTs the enlargement of...

Slab Thickness Design of Heavy Industrial Concrete Pavements

Industrial Members Only

The design of concrete pavements for industrial facilities (truck or container terminals, industrial storage, harbours) has been based either on design catalogues or charts This paper introduces a numerical solution, based on the theory of elasticity expressed in form of series. The reason is that such pavements carry very heavy...

Application of Newly Developed Prestressed Concrete Pavement Technology in Japanese Airports

Airports Members Only

Many researches on prestressed concrete (PC) pavements have been conducted. The applicability of a class Ill PC slab, in which cracking at the bottom of the slab is permitted, was confirmed for airport pavements. A new type of PC precast slab pavement with new jointing systems was developed. A new...

The Construction of Underground Concrete Roadways at Finsch Diamond Mine (South Africa)

Highways Members Only

In this paper the different types of underground roadways, the development of the design of in situ concrete paving and the problems of designing for these special conditions are discussed. These include the use of moisture sensitive subgrade/subbase, very irregular founding conditions, varying and even dynamic loading due to blast...