This article describes the behaviour after 17 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur. The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...
Non-Destructive Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete Road by the SASW Method
The Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves (SASW) method is a non-destructive seismic method which has been used in situ to determine the elastic moduli of soils and pavements at low level of strain and the variation of these moduli with depth. The test is based on the dispersion of Rayleigh-waves which means that Rayleigh...
Concreting Bombay Metropolis Roads in India
Deterioration of Bombay Metropolis roads during rainy season is a perpetual phenomenon. During the monsoon of 1988, the major roads constructed with hydrocarbon binders suffered severe damage causing great inconvenience to the users. In view of the mounting pressure from the public, at large the municipal authorities decided to switch...
Continuos Reinforced Concrete Pavement for a Roundabout on Foam-Concrete Foundation
The work was undertaken by contractors Ooms Avenhorn. Work took place in the months of July, August, September and October 1995. The roundabout was opened for traffic on 6I October 1995 (photo 6). More than two years after opening of the roundabout and the road metalling associated with it, it...
Use of Roller Compacted Concrete in Road and Airport Pavement Construction in Sri Lanka
In the quest for introducing materials and techniques of construction, the Research & Development Division of the Road Development Authority, Sri Lanka has carried out several trials and successfully constructed an airport apron, a causeway of 2km length using Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavements and a road of length 0.265km....
Why Should Bituminous Layers Be Used Over Portland Cement Bridge Decks
The purpose of this paper is to bring to the attention of the highway community in Portugal, a methodology that allows the construction of bridge decks with Portland Cement surfaces without the need to use bituminous surface layers. This paper will present construction methods, cost benefit analysis, some of the...
CRCP in France and Its Competitivity
It seems now in France that, after these experiences and their results, the idea to accept for CRCP, a bonding assumption on a bituminous support, is really and that CRCP technology can hope now a new positive future.
Verification of the Acting of the Recycled Building Material for the Production of Rigid Pavements in Concrete of Portland Cement
The objective of the present work is the study of the technical viability of the use of refused material of building construction like aggregates for concrete roads. The first stage consisted of the physical characterization of the aggregates obtained through the grinding, followed by a study of the granulometric composition...
Fiber-Reinforced Roller-Compacted Cement Concrete (Rollfiber) for Continuous Concrete Pavements
The ROLLFIBER process consists of roller-compacted cement concrete reinforced with steel fibers. It enables you to build continuous pavements without any joints. To reach this level of performance, the fiber has to have what is known as total' anchorage, and its action is optimized by the use of a concrete...
Influence of Fly Ash on Abrasion Resistance of Concrete for Roads Pavements
In Portugal, fly ash is often used as a cement replacement material on concrete for road pavements. The percentages of replacement generally range from about 30% in the top pavement layer up to 50% in the bottom layer. A study was carried out for evaluating to what extent such amounts...
K-Values of Fly Ash Concrete of Equal Low Slump
The paper presents a general principle for the determination of the k-values for fly ash concrete and the results obtained on concretes with cement contents of 200, 300 and 400 kg/rn 3, fly ash cement ratios of 11%, 25%, 43%, 67% and 100% and equal slump of 30 mm. The...
Abrasion Resistance of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)
The scope of this work is the behaviour under abrasion of different concrete (RCC) made with limestone, schist and granite aggregates. Binder contents (cement and fly ash) ranging from 90 kg/rn 3 to 190 kg/rn3 were tested. Small concrete slabs 60x60x40 mm were cut from 150000 mm cylinders prepared according...