
Effectiveness of Load Transfer in Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

The load tiansfer due to the dowel bars in jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP) or to the steel reinforcing in continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) has also the effect of reducing the stress on the edge of the load slab. Therefore, the calculation of the load transfer between contiguous slabs...

Effects of Loss of Support on the Residual Life of JPCCP

Highways Members Only

One of the most frequent ajid insidious distresses in Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (JPCCP) is the loss of pavement support near the joint. This problem is principally caused by a lack of maintenance ofjoint sealing that can give rise to the well-known phenomenon called pumping in the presence of...

Longtime Experience with Exposed Aggregate Surfaces in Austria

Highways Members Only

Exposed aggregate surfaces MA 8 have been used in Austria on a !arge scale since 1990 and have proveu not only noise-reducing but also very skid resistant. On different motorway sections paved with the same quarzitic chippings 4/8 the friction values (Stuttgart friction meter, 60 km/h, with water, with slip)...

Life Cycle Cost of Urban Pavements

Highways Members Only

This paper attempts an actual analysis of the cycle cost of urban pavements through the discussion of a case study: the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Three frequent paving solutions for the local street system are compared: plain concrete and two different asphalt alternatives. Construction, maintenance, reconstruction as well as...

Mechanistic Evaluation of Spalling Distress

Highways Members Only

In this paper, delamination formation is investigated. Stresses due to temperature and moisture variation are considered within the scope of the formation of the delamination. Tensile and shear stresses are determined numerically based on finite element analysis using simulated pavement moisture data. A finite element program is developed to allow...

Performance of the Ecopave System After Five Years Trafficking

Highways Members Only

ECOPAVE is a system of laying concrete through a modified bituminous paver, inducing transverse cracks into the concrete, and overlaying with a thin bituminous surfacing. The system has been developed through a BRITE project with partners in the UK and Denmark. It is coiisideied to provide economic benefits over the...

Erosion of Cement Treated Subbases Below Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

Laboratory tests have been carried out to examine the effect of the following parameters on the erosion behaviour in the case of cement treated subbases (CTB) below concrete pavements: aggregate mixture (gravel or sand), treatment (with wet treatment, without treatment), compressive strength requirement (varying cement content), arrangement of a geotextile...

The Actuality & Prospect of RCCP in China

Highways Members Only

The research on RCCP was launched in early 80' in China. The laboratory test started in 1981 followed by the first sectioii of field experimcnt road in 1982. And then extended resmrch was carried out in 1983 and 1984. A few years later in 1988, the research on Cement Concrete...

New Joints in Rigid Pavement – Highway and Airport

Airports, Highways Members Only

This paper describes a new design of joints in rigid pavement, in this case the angle between joints will be 120 grades in anypoint of the pavement between edges. This new concept about corners angle,change the original work of Westergaard for the "corner load",because it only considerate angles with 90...

Whole Life Costing

Highways Members Only

is important to have the knowledge about the connections between different costs and different surface characteristics of a pavement. The costs are for the road, traffic safety, road user and environment etc. The surface characteristics are things like friction, micro- and macro structure, iuts, evenness, cracks, sloping and drainage etc....

Joint Load Transfer Testing

Highways Members Only

The paper describes and evaluates plate hearing tests performed on airfield CC slabs, in order to ascertain the interaction of slabs across transverse and longitudinal joints and the joint load transfer. The applied characteristics of mad transfer I .T and T ,TF, varied, however. the great significance of temperature and...

Analysis of the Response of Concrete Pavement Slabs Jointed by Dowel Bars

Highways Members Only

The present paper aims to contribute to the study of the structural response of concrete slabs jointed by dowel bars in pavements. As is known, a common construction technique of pavements is this one that uses concrete slabs interconnected each other in both directions by equidistant dowel steel bars. A...