
Urban Rigid Pavements in Italy

Highways Members Only

Since the end of the Second World War many of the urban road pavements that had been executed in concrete have been gradually repaved with bitumen. As a result of the problems induced by increasing traffic rates, rigid pavements are now gaining new impetus also within urban road networks. PIARC's...

Experiences on Rigid Pavements in Cuban Airports

Airports Members Only

ratios between 1.0 and 1.25 to achieve the proper performance of the slabs designed. It is clear that thickness of slabs has to be properly designed according to the operations foreseen for the term of use. In the case of rehabilitations by way of overlapped layer, this has rendered a...

The French Architectonic Concrete Paving Development

Highways Members Only

This paper present the good possibilities that we can expect with exposed aggregate concrete surfaces

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in the Basque Country

Highways Members Only

This paper presents the main features of roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavements for low-volume roads constructed in the Spanish Basque Country since 1992. RCC is produced in ready-mixed concrete plants and placed by local asphalt contractors. Due to the small thicknesses (15-18 cm) of these works, RCC layers can be...

Urban and Low Traffic Roads Industrial Pavements

Industrial Members Only

In this paper some roads and industrial pavements where "semi-continuous concrete" was employed are prcscntcd as well as cost and performance under several conditions.

Concrete Pavements of the Macau International Airport

Airports Members Only

This paper describes design solutions of the concrete pavements from Macau International Airport, including runway, taxiways and apron. Aspects about the execution and results from quality control are also presented, within the scope of activities made by LECM (Macau Civil Engineering Laboratory) in this project, as a quality assurance agent...

Eco-Concrete Block Paving

Highways Members Only

Eco-concrete block paving is considered to be a significant innovation for environmentally beneficial pavements in residential areas. The objective is to infiltrate rainwater on the spot. The use of permeable concrete block paving is restricted by its bearing capacity and the existing soil. The paper deals with fundamental rules, design...

Concrete Road Design a Special Urban Solution

Highways Members Only

Theme: in 1994 a rigid pavement solution was implemented on the underpass of the National Road n° 107 crossing the National Road nu 12, in the ambit of the remodelling project of the concerning cross-road roundabout, situated in the periphery of the city of Porto, involving only one extension of...

Computer Aided Design for Flexible Pavements of Concrete Bricks

Highways Members Only

This paper describes computer aided design (CAD) software and methods employed for effective design of flexible pavements with concrete bricks. Pavements consisting of concrete bricks allow many different patterns to be used. An area which is to be paved with concrete bricks is divided into a number of subdomains which...

A Practical Method of Concrete Pavement Design for Ports

Highways Members Only

Puertos del Estado, the co-ordinating institution of the main Spanish Port Authorities, has published in 1994 the Guidelines for the Design and construction of Port Pavements ROM 4.1-94, where a practical method of structural pavement design for ports areas has been developed, offering a novel and useful contribution. The different...

Concrete Pavements Under Container Stackings

Intermodals/Ports Members Only

Contact pressures produced by container stackings in concrete pavements are very high. Theoretically, slab stresses widely overcome the flexural strength of concrete. However, in real pavements functional conditions are not affected as it is observed. Therefore, what is really happening should be analyzed. A full-scale test was made in summer...

The Development of Concrete Block Paving for Roads and Other Areas, and Methods of Design and Construction

Highways Members Only

This paper shown a variety of methods available for the design of concrete pavements. Each method of design has benefits and disadvantages but none of the design methods actually model paver pavement accurately when subjected to rolling loads. It is important to consider the bedding sand specification and how it...