
Analysis of Cracking Mechanisms in Concrete Pavements and Related Recommendations For Pavement Construction

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In addition to the stresses caused by traffic loads concrete highway pavements may be subjected to considerable stresses due to environmental action effects and other related damaging mechanisms such as early age shrinkage, loss or absorption of moisture, temperature induced strain gradients and in some instances also alkali-silicareactions. Due to...

The Concrete Pavements in the Mexican Highways

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In Mexico, since november of 1993 to september of 2002, a total of 3046 km of concrete pavement lanes are either in operation or construction, where 74% of them are built as new structure and the rest, 26 % has been used as reinforcement placed on an existing aphalt pavement....

Test Sections of Rigid and Flexible Pavements

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The number of heavy vehicles in the Swedish road network is continuing to grow, and more rigid types of pavements are being used to withstand the loads. During the 1980s only asphalt pavements were used in Sweden and damage occurred on many roads with large traffic volumes. The Swedish National...

The Structural Properties of Optimised Exposed Aggregate Concrete in the Netherlands

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Indicative research on three new types of concrete roads by the Dutch Association of the Netherlands Cement Industry (VNC) in 1993 had shown that a concrete surface of exposed aggregates could be further optimised with respect to traffic noise reduction. In 1996, the Dutch Information and Technology Centre for Transport...

Rapid Replacement of Deteriorated Concrete Slabs Under Traffic

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In the course of utilization the utility value and condition of concrete pavements decreases due to traffic and environmental burden. Their utility value is judged by edge/corner demolitions, settlements, horizontal movements and the overall condition. In case of damage individual slabs must be replaced. The aim of this study is...

Measuring Device For Determining Dowel Positions on Concrete Slabs

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and to secure the height position of the individual slabs. They must be positioned in the middle of the slab thickness so that they do not prevent longitudinal motion of the slabs. In modern concrete pavement construction the concrete is poured over the entire cross section width using slip form...

Reconstruction of a Cement-Stabilised Fly-Ash Road-Base

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In 1999 - in the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands - an eighteen-year-old asphalt road with a cementstabilised fly-ash road-base, appeared to be in bad condition. Further investigation showed that the base was almost completely disintegrated, probably due to bad drainage and due to a possibly low cement content....

Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Continuously Reinforced Pavement of the Zuidtangent

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In the period 1996 — 2001 the ”Zuidtangent" was designed and constructed. The "Zuidtangent" is situated between Haarlem and Amstelveen, just south of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). The "Zuidtangent" is designed as a special purpose road connection for public transport and plays a major role in the accessibility of the Schiphol...

Joint-Design on Concrete Motorways in Austria

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A recently finished study at the Research Institute of the Association of the Austrian Cement Industry and the Institute for Road Construction and Maintenance, Technical University Vienna focuses on the improvement of the joint design on concrete roads. The main issues of this study are presented in this paper. Special...

Deriving California-Type Profilograph Outputs from Rsp Roughness Measurements

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The roughness specifications of a recent Israeli PWD concrete road project, consisting of a 4-lanes stretch of a 7- kilometer length (Route No.3), included both bonuses and penalties in their pay-adjustment functions. The California-type profilograph outputs served as the data for these functions. The reason for using this particular profile...

A New Rigid Pavement Constructive Method Using Hexagonals Slabs

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This paper describes a new rigid pavement constructive method employing hexagonals slabs, being the angle betwen the edges of the slabs at each corner, 120 degrees. This paper is based on the one titled ´´ NEW JOINTS IN RIGID PAVEMENT - HIGHWAY AND AIRPORT´´, of the 8th International Symposium on...

Analyses of the Effects of the Nonhomogeneous Properties of Subbase on the Concrete Slab

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In standard, commonly used, calculation methods for rigid pavement structures, the interaction between plate and subgrade is pressumed to be uniform. During pavement construction and its use different reasons can cause subgrade damage and loss of support between the plate and base (subgrade). Subgrade damage can be caused because of...