This work describes the activities developed in Mexico to improve the selection criteria for stone aggregates which are used in surface layers for concrete pavements. The experience has shown that the current mechanical resistance requirements for stone aggregates often do not assure an adequate behavior. In other words, the selection...
Heavily Reinforced Ultra Thin White Topping to Re-Strengthen Infrastructural Structures
Thin white toppings (TWT), as originally developed in the USA in 1918, are in majority placed as an overlay on deteriorated asphalt pavements. Usual thicknesses were 150 225 mm but since the last 30 years also ultra thin white toppings (UTWT) with thicknesses of 75 150 mm are...
The Way Ahead is Fibre-Reinforced
For several decades steel wire manufacturers produce steel fibres which can be mixed with concrete to improve its characteristics. FIBRICON® is a multi-fibre concrete a combination of concrete and three types of fibres. The fibre mix consists of drawn or rolled steel fibres with profiled end hooks or anchors....
Innovative Prefabrication Techniques for Pavement Infrastructure
The advantages of prefabrication and precasting are well known in the building industry: a short building-time, efficient use of materials, optimum quality control, financially appealing and sophisticated logistics. In residential, commercial and industrial building in the Netherlands, the use of prefabrication is common practice. It would be logical to assume...
Increased Application of Sustainable Concrete Pavements in the Netherlands
Since the late 80ies in the Netherlands more and more cross-sections are constructed as roundabouts in stead of a cross section with traffic-lights. The pavements and prefabricated elements suffer from heavy traffic-loads and lots of maintenance was required. Therefore the last years it is investigated how sustainable roundabouts could reduce...
Performance of Whitetopping in Florida
Since 1988, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has been monitoring the performance of the first experimental Whitetopping project in Florida for possible implementation as an option for rehabilitation of rutted and cracked asphalt pavements. The project includes three major sections with thicknesses of 150 mm (6 in.), 175 mm...
Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Kerb-Guided Busway Infrastructure in the UK
The Guided Busway Design Handbook, produced in 2004 and the Guided Busway Construction Handbook (2006) are best practice guides to guideway construction. This paper describes development of the handbooks which drew on experience from across industry and lessons learnt from previous projects. Ongoing work since publication of the handbooks to...
European Long-Life Rigid Pavement
The European Long-Life Pavement Group (ELLPAG) was formed in 2000 as a working group by the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) members, under the auspices of the Conference of European Directors, to report the current state of knowledge on long-life pavements in Europe, in particular on the...
New CRCP Designs in the UK
The paper presents the main findings of a 3-year project to develop new designs and specifications for continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). The performance and design parameters investigated were surface cracking, the concrete strength, and the foundation. The effects of these parameters on the structural integrity and durability of CRCP...
Concrete Pavement Without Dowel Bars
The joint system presented herein takes advantage of the natural development of shrinkage in concrete to induce the formation of joints along the projections of previously placed system devices. Such system induces in an in-situ concrete pavement an efficient interlocking indentation among the slab elements resulting from the shrinkage phenomenon....
Investigation of Premature Concrete Pavement Distress on the Pan-American Highway in El Salvador
In 2005, a forensic engineering study was conducted on a recently constructed concrete pavement located along the Pan-American Highway (CA-1) in El Salvador. The primary distress was observed to be full-depth cracking, predominantly in the longitudinal direction. This type of cracking was noted to occur just a few months after...
Genesis of a Comprehensive Concrete Pavement Noise, Texture, and Friction Data Collection Program
The lack of quality data that relates tire-pavement noise to the texture of concrete pavements has hindered the pavement community in both understanding the phenomena and finding ways to minimize its impact. The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (USA), the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, and the American...