
Good Concrete Mix Design

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Trackslabs Members Only

This forum addressed both concrete road pavements & concrete industrial pavements. Presentations made addressed concrete mix designs, design & construction aspects, as well as current information about diamond grinding of concrete road pavements in Australia. Good Concrete Mix Design: •Understand requirements of the concrete. •Identify if an existing mix may...

Plastic Shrinkage Cracking Spreadsheet to calculate evaporation rates of bleed water from concrete surfaces

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Trackslabs Members Only

This document is a simple Excel spreadsheet which allows the user to input Air Temperature, Concrete Temperature, Relative Humidity & Wind Velocity to determine the Bleed Water Evaporation Rate. The formulae, developed by P Uno, are based on the well known ACI Bleed Water Evaporation Nomograph.

Concrete Pavement Design, Construction & Performance

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Trackslabs Members Only

The ACI has released a new publication "Concrete Pavement Design, Construction and Performance written by Norbert Delatte. It is available through the ACI at - go to their bookstore. "A pavement project may be envisioned as a three link chain, consisting of materials, design, and construction. Because the weakest...

Road and Railway Tunnels the Concrete Solution for Improving Passenger Safety and Emergency Response

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Road tunnels and railway tunnels generally, located in sensitive sites, must not be considered simply as an extension of standard open-air sections. For the road tunnels, the thickness of the structure, its future maintenance and the consequences on traffic, as also the effect on lighting of pavement lightness have to...

Wheel Tracks, the Compromise Between Agricultural and Environmental Interests

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

In certain areas there is a need to surfacing sand roads due to agricultural developments: mechanisation and efficient management of farming activities are essential. Farmers must have direct access to the fields at all times without too many obstacles. However, attention must also be paid to various other aspects: environmental...

Types of Reinforced Concrete Railway Infrastructures and Essentials of their Computations

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Reinforced concrete railway superstructure type (non-ballasted) is becoming more widespread and important in the world, similarly in Turkey. This type can be used both in all of the light rail systems of urban transport and also the high speed rail systems of intercity transport. Although its construction cost is higher,...

From the Road To the Railway Urban Transportation Trackdim Transposition of a Calculation Method

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Alstom who is a major company in the turnkey railways construction activity including railways track construction, developed an adaptation of roads and highways calculation modelization based on concrete fatigue resistance under traffic loads to for railways tracks calculation purpose. Roads and highways have a long and rich experience and data...

Concrete Slab Tracks for Railways

Trackslabs Members Only

Due to the planning and construction of new high speed railways, the development and testing of the ballastless tracks, which started in Germany in the seventies, is now turning up again. The use of this almost mairitenailce free structure requires the assessment of the multi-layer system. For the slab track...

6th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1990 Madrid Spain

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government, Trackslabs Members Only

Session Paper Indexes, Opening Addresses, General Reports, Oral Contributions and Closings from the 6th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1990 Madrid Spain

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government, Trackslabs Members Only

Closing ceremony from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government, Trackslabs Members Only

Indexes, General Reports and Additional Contributions from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

Large-size precast concrete slabs for urban road pavements with tramway tracks

Trackslabs Members Only

In 1967 precast concrete slabs were experimentally used in lieu of granite paving sets as surfacings fur carriageways used by trams in Vienna's public transport system. After some tests, increasingly large areas were paved by this method from 1970 onwards. The evident advanta~es of precast slabs were the deciding factor:...