In September 1984 the first West-European trial section with the Nikex system was constructed in Rotterdam. This sys~em was developed in the early seventies by the Public Transport Service of Budapest, a concrete manufacturer and Budapest University. By now, well over 225 km (single track) is in use in the...
New developments in the construction of railway track bases without ballast
The conventional form of construction for permanent way, as first conceived about ISO years ago, adopted the ballast bed for supporting the railway track from what at that time was the most economical road building method, namely, macadam. By the same token, a p:esent-day innovative form of permanent way construt~...
Large-size precast concrete slabs for urban road pavements with tramway tracks
In 1967 precast concrete slabs were experimentally used in lieu of granite paving sets as surfacings fur carriageways used by trams in Vienna's public transport system. After some tests, increasingly large areas were paved by this method from 1970 onwards. The evident advanta~es of precast slabs were the deciding factor:...
Concrete dual-track roads
Fully paved farm tracks which look like roads are coming in for a~ increasing amount of public eriticism, for they do not fit the ima~e of originally unpaved tracks consisting of two parallel wheel paths with a grassed strip in the middle. Trackways built of concrete do resemble the old...