
Sustainable Whole-Of-Life Assessment Of Heavy Duty Pavement Options For Major Road Infrastructure Projects : Caleb Hayde

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Sustainable Whole-Of-Life Assessment Of Heavy-Duty Pavement Options For Major Road Infrastructure Projects James WALKER1, Caleb HAYDE2, Tim BUCKINGHAM-JONES3 1 Project Development Manager, BEng. (Hons1), TfNSW 2 Senior Pavement Engineer, BEng., Aurecon 3 Technical Director, Pavements, BEng. (Hons), Aurecon ABSTRACT In both the planning and detailed design phases of transport infrastructure...

A Renewed Case For Full Width Concrete Paving For High Speed, High Volume Roads : James Walker

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

A renewed case for full width concrete paving for high speed - high volume roads James Walker1, 1 Project Development Manager, Bachelor Engineering (Civil), Transport for NSW ABSTRACT A typical modern NSW Motorway or Highway is 10.5m wide, consisting of 2.5m nearside shoulder, 2x3.5m travel lanes and an offside shoulder...

Technology Review of NDT Techniques For Rigid Pavements : William Ward

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Technology Review of NDT Techniques for Rigid Pavements William Ward1, 1 William Ward, Bachelor of Engineering, Papworths Construction Testing Equipment ABSTRACT Non Destructive Testing (NDT) has been used to support infrastructure as a quality assurance tool, input to designs for remediation and for general condition assessment. Rigid pavements applications have...

One Part Mix Geopolymer Concrete With Waste Glass Aggregates : Ailar Hajimohammadi

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

One-Part Mix Geopolymer Concrete with Waste Glass Aggregates Ailar Hajimohammadi1, Taehwan Kim2, Stephen Foster3 1 Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales 2 Senior Lecturer, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales 3 Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,...

Performance of Dowelled Versus Undowelled Joints For relatively Thin Airfield Pavements : Jeb S. Tingle

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Biography Mr. Jeb S. Tingle is a Senior Scientific Technical Manager and Program Manager in the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Centre in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Mr. Tingle routinely leads large multi-disciplinary teams to solve complex engineering problems and has 28 years of experience...

Shifting global paradigm for CCP: Harvesting for the circular economy

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Shifting global paradigm for CCP: Harvesting for the circular economy Craig Heidrich1, Joachim Feuerborn2 1Ash Development Association Australia, PO BOX 85, Port Kembla, NSW 2505, AUSTRALIA; 2European Coal Combustion Products Association, Deilbachtal 173, 45257 Essen, Germany/EUROPE KEYWORDS: CCPs, Circular Economy, Harvesting, Trade, Regulation, Low Carbon ABSTRACT In recent years, there...

What Happens When The Fly Ash Runs Out : Bruce Perry

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

What Happens When the Fly Ash Runs Out? Bruce Perry1 1 National Customer Technical Support Manager, Cement Australia ABSTRACT For many years, the replacement of cement with fly ash in pavement concrete mixes has been mandated by infrastructure asset owners. In NSW, R82 requires a minimum 40% replacement level whereas...

Research Outcomes and Future Needs For Australian Rigid Airport Pavements : Greg White

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Research Outcomes and Future Needs for Australian Rigid Airport Pavements Greg White1 & Sean Jamieson2 1 Director, Airport Pavement Research, PhD, MEng, MTech, BE(Civil), CPEng, University of the Sunshine Coast 2 PhD Candidate, MSc(Eng), BE(Civil), CPEng, University of the Sunshine Coast ABSTRACT Since the time that the Australian airports were...

ACPA’s Concrete Pavement’s Role In A Sustainable Resilient Future – Eric Ferrebee

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Members Only

Eric is responsible for providing technical resources and consulting services to ACPA members, as well as the agencies and owners they serve. Eric is a key team member in the development of industry resources including the pavement thickness design tool and the WikiPave concrete pavement encyclopaedia. He is also...


Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Local Government Free, Members Only

FROM THE PRESIDENT On behalf of the Conference Steering Committee, it is our pleasure to invite your organisation to participate in the 7th ASCP Concrete Pavements Conference. This event will be held at Novotel Northbeach in Wollongong, NSW -- kicking off Sunday 22nd (welcome reception) with two (2) days of...

ASCP Forum – Innovation, Sustainability & Low Carbon Concretes – Tuesday 31st May 2022

Highways, Industrial, Local Government Members Only

Innovation, Sustainability, Low Carbon Concretes: How can we achieve in Pavements – was the hotly anticipated topic of our May 2022 Forum. The Australian cement and concrete sector has a long history of reducing its CO2 emissions having delivered a 25 percent reduction since 2000 [VDZ 2022] being a critical...

Concrete Segmental Pavements (May 1993)

Highways, Local Government Members Only

Salamanca Place in Hobart is a unique historic area dating from the 1830s. Georgian sandstone warehouse buildings flank a 24-m-wide roadway built over a reclaimed area originally used by the whaling fleet and shipping lines. The refurbished warehouses now function as professional offices, restaurants, a foundation covering most facets of...