A pavement management system for secondary road networks has been developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for local government agencies and municipalities and handles both cement concrete and bituminous pavements. The system called GERSEC integrates technical approaches and economical evaluations with a view to optimize the distribution of the...
Rapid Rehabilitation Techniques with Cement Concrete_ Applied on Deformed Asphaltic Roads
On asphaltic roads the so called «wash-boardeffect » in front of traffic lights is a well known phenomenon. Regular reconstruction of these areas places a significant and recurrent burden on road managing authorities. Because of the large volumen of traffic at these intersections repair works also lead to a huge...
Developments in Australian RCC
Australia has now over three years of experience in the use of high strength RCC in pavements with over 40 projects completed. Whilst the majority of Australian projects have been relatively small in comparison to American and European experience, nevertheless they have enabled a continued development of design, construction and...
The Design of Concrete Pavements and Overlays
This paper describes a method developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for the design of cement concrete pavements and overlays. The object of this method is to avoid fatigue cracking of the surfacing (or overlay) and excessive permanent deformation of the subgrade soil. It results from the application of...
Correlation Between Research and Construction of Concrete Roads
During the past two decades, the practice-oriented research work done when concrete roads are built has lead to further development of slab construc-tion, to new solutions to individual constructio-nal problems, and to development of new cons-tructional methods. Based on existing research re-sults, more reliable statements can be made on thedegree...
Ways of Reducing Tire-Noise on Concrete Pavements Experience and Tests in Austria
Tire-road noise can be reduced considerably by providing a suitable surface geometry. According to the new Austrian specifications pa-vers must be fitted with a longitudinal smootherto eliminate any transverse waves produced by thebeams of the paver. In order to obtain a noise-reducing surface a longitudinal texture (e.g.. a burlap drag)...
Porous Concrete For Urban Pavements
Over the past few years, interest in the uses and applications of porous cement concrete for pave-ments has been growing. Its position in pavementconstruction has developed to such an extent thatit iscurrently used in places of greater importance(from shoulders to sub-bases, and even surfaces).This paper is part of the experience...
Urban Road Pavements the Landscaped Pavement Concrete
The new concept of the urban fabric is taking on extension and is testifying increasingly to the fact that in our cities the street is not a road. Cement concrete designs have been staying abreast of these developments and architectural concrete is just one of the significant outgrowths of these...
Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Conçrete Overlay Design in the Netherlands
Working Committee «Overlay in concrete» is founded to create a manual containing practical methods for designing and building concrete overlays for road and airport pavements for Dutch conditions. Results of the Working Committee activities are presented in this paper. A method to determine the bearing capacity of existing pavements is...
Practical Rehabilitation Options For an Aar Affected Jointed Concrete Pavement
As a result of fine cracks that initiated in the vicinity of the joints of an unreinforced jointed concrete pavement, structural failures rapidly developed under traffic. Structural failures manifested as punch outs where severe pumping at wider cracks occured and it was clear that only reconstruction or overlaying could be...
Time-Dependent Behaviour of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements
Roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) have been increasingly constructed in many places in Japan. However, the behaviour of RCCP in the areas of joints and cracked sections has not been completely cleared. In order to establish a rational thickness design of RCCP and to study long-term behaviour of RCCP and...
Hard Shoulders on Autobahns
Hard shoulders provide space for vehicles to stop in an emergency. They additionally provide space to function as traffic lane to keep traffic moving in the customary number of lanes if part of the carriageways is closed for repair measures. In the case of concrete pavements, the structural design and...