Urban Concrete Pavements – History and Current Technology

Highways Members Only

This paper aims to outline briefly the history of the first concrete pavements in Europe and in the United States. The authors will present examples of concrete pavements built in Tarnów, a relatively large city (115,000 inhabitants) in southern Poland. They will show technological and structural solutions for using concrete...

Thinking Outside the Box with Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

Roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavement has been used for decades in situations where repetitive heavy loads are applied and for large paved areas. These applications have included logging yards, ports, automobile manufacturing plants, and warehouse districts among other places. While these are appropriate applications for RCC pavement, there are many...

Skid Resistance Properties of Concrete Pavement Surfaces in Tunnels

Highways Members Only

Skid resistance properties of concrete pavement surfaces in tunnels are measured with the dynamic measuring device TRT on a regular basis in the Czech Republic. Measurements are usually carried out before and after putting the tunnel into operation and then approximately once a year; the skid resistance is also measured...

Environmental Product Declaration of Czech Cement

Highways Members Only

This paper explains the basic concepts, history of studies and the results of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the Czech Cement and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of the Czech Cement. The Environmental Product Declaration is based on the method of life cycle assessment, which generally evaluates the impact on...

Skid Resistance-Improvement Measures on Concrete Roads in Austrian Road Tunnels

Highways Members Only

The results of the investigation concerning the loss of skid resistance on Austrian tunnel roads are presented in this poster as well as the results of trials to improve the skid resistance level in the laboratory. Best results were achieved through cleaning the road surface in the tunnel with tailor...

Pavement Type Selection What is the Ideal Process

Highways Members Only

Pavement type selection is often one of the more challenging and controversial decisions highway administrators face. The process involves weighing engineering factors such as materials, structural, and even long term performance against initial and life-cycle costs to help agencies decide between various pavement alternatives. Given the expenditure of significant public...

Technical Prescriptions for Concrete Pavements by the Spanish Ministry of Development

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Prescriptions for concrete pavements issued by the Spanish Road Administration are included in two types of documents: the Standard for Structural Sections of Pavements (6.1 – IC) and the Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (PG 3). These documents were updated considering the latest advances in materials, construction processes and...

Competition and Its Role in Pavement Type Selection in the US

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Today, less than 15% of the National Highway System in the United States is comprised of concrete pavement (FHWA, 2007). However, in 1956, at the beginning of the interstate era, the vast majority of primary US routes were concrete roads. Why this significant change in pavement type selected? This paper...

Finely Graded Surface Concrete (FGSC) a Sustainable Solution for Exposed-Aggregate Concrete

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As a general feedback of most studies and site experiments, the lower the maximum size of aggregate, the lower the rolling noise for exposed aggregate concrete roads. Yet, a small size of aggregate increases the cement demand, and by the way the unit cost of concrete. This is a supplementary...

Fast – Track Concrete for Repairs in a Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in Spain

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A continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) was opened to traffic in 1976 in the North of Spain. It is located in a 43 km long motorway. Each carriageway is 12,00 m wide (concrete pavement is 8.00 m wide). The top layer is a 22 cm thick CRCP. Longitudinal reinforcement consists...

Experiences in Local Concrete Road Construction in Poland

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Polish Cement Association has been promoting roads with concrete pavement for ten-odd years. Providing local authorities with information on advantages of the concrete local roads is a very important field of action. Consistent organisation of conferences and seminars, publication of books and brochures have given measurable effects. In the past...

Mix Designs Targeting Concrete Flexural Strength and Modulus for Airfield Concrete Pavements

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The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) National Airport Pavement Test Facility (NAPTF) is located at the William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. The primary objective of the tests performed at the NAPTF is to generate full-scale pavement performance and response data for development and verification of...