AUS-SPEC Rigid Pavements Worksections


It would be great if the ASCP members can volunteer to review the following attached AUS-SPEC rigid pavements work sections: 1131 Roller compacted concrete subbase 1132 Lean mix concrete subbase 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base Attached below is...


Airports, Highways, Industrial

Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in Concrete and Stabilisation Edwin W. Haber St. KiIda, Melbourne, Australia 24 October, 1994 Blended Slag Cements in Australia:  Modern blending plants nowadays pemit the blending of virtually any combination of cement and additive(s) including fly ash, silica fume, and ground granulated iron blast furnace...

Concrete Pavement Preservation: Maintenance and Rectification Techniques (Pavement Note 004)

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports Free

Over the service life of a heavy-duty concrete pavement, concrete pavements will gradually degrade in ride quality and the slab surface may lose some of its initial texture, leading to a reduction in skid resistance and/or increased risk of aquaplaning. This Pavement Note summarises the types and causes of occasional...

Active Crack Control for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP) In Belgium Through Partial Surface Notches


Recent field observations on several newly constructed Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP) in Belgium have indicated that the crack pattern is characterized as low mean crack spacing (approximately 1.0 m after 2 years in-service) along with a high percentage of clusters of closely spaced cracks. Besides, field surveys also indicate...

Pavimentos de Hormigón Con Bajo Nivel de Ruido (Pavement Note 003) [Spanish, español]

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Local Government Free

Texturizado Suave, Seguro, Duradero y Rentable (LDNG) Las administraciones que gestionan infraestructuras viarias quieren pavimentos con bajo coste de construcción inicial, bajo coste de mantenimiento, buena resistencia al deslizamiento, especialmente en clima húmedo 1, buen confort y calidad de conducción y bajo nivel de ruido. El LNDG cumple con cada...

El Valor del Pavimento de Hormigón (Pavement Note 001) [Spanish, español]

Highways, Industrial, Local Government Free

Beneficios Económicos, Operativos y Sociales Las carreteras de hormigón presentan numerosos beneficios económicos, de accesibilidad y seguridad en comparación con otras opciones de pavimentos flexibles. Esta Nota de Pavimentos presenta un resumen de las últimas novedades que comparan las opciones de pavimentos para cargas pesadas. La intención de esta Nota...

Pavimentos De Hormigón Sostenibles: Reducido Impacto Ambiental De Los Pavimentos De Hormigón (Pavement Note 002) [Spanish, español]

Highways Free

LOS PAVIMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN Y SU REDUCIDO IMPACTO AMBIENTAL Los pavimentos de hormigón causan menor impacto ambiental que los pavimentos asfálticos. Esta nota resume los últimos hallazgos que comparan los aspectos de sostenibilidad de las dos principales opciones de pavimentos para tráfico pesado. A su vez, proporciona a los organismos...

Use automated paving guidance systems (APGS) – Course RIIRCP311A

Airports, Highways Members Only

Use automated paving guidance systems (APGS)  - This unit covers the use of automated paving guidance systems (APGS) in the control of concrete paving operations in the civil construction industry. It includes planning, preparing, setting-up, operating and shutting down operations for APGS. Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply...

ASCP Technical Issue submission form ASCP Issues identification and management

Members Only

Technical Issues Register ASCP welcomes Members’ submissions on Technical issues which they believe are of importance to our concrete pavements industry.  The purpose of this process is to identify broad industry issues – issues which may have a wide occurrence, or issues which impact on a range of our Members’...

Influence of Pavement Reflectance on Lighting for Influence of Pavement Reflectance for Parking Lots

Highways Members Only

Influence of Pavement Reflectance for Parking Lots - PCA report

Sustainable Approach to Outdoor Lighting Utilizing Sustainable Approach to Outdoor Lighting

Highways Members Only

A Sustainable Approach to Outdoor Lighting Utilizing Concrete Pavement.

Thermal Effects of Black Pavements Thermal Effects of Black Pavements

Highways Members Only

Thermal effects of black pavements in urban areas - SMH report