There is significant uncertainty and variation in the environmental life cycle assessment of pavements. Uncertainty and scenario variation should be sufficiently accounted in the comparative life cycle assessment in order to increase the confidence on decisions regarding the environmental implications of alternative pavement systems. In this paper we first present...
Experimental Short Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Crack Pattern and Load Transfer Efficiency Across Cracks
As a proposed long-term pavement solution for bus stops and corridors in highly urbanized areas, four experimental short continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) sections with different percentages of longitudinal steel were built in São Paulo, Brazil. The pavement sections are only 50 meters long each, a short constructive length in...
A Framework for a New Protocol for Evaluating Concrete Curing Effectiveness
Excessive early early-age concrete surface moisture evaporation can be a source of key issues in the paving of concrete pavemen t, such as plastic shrinkage cracking and spalling related delamination; the use of liquid membrane membrane-forming curing compounds is one of the most prevalent methods to protect hydrating concrete surfaces...
Recyclable High Volume Fly Ash Pavement Concrete Using Limestone Aggregate
Fly-ash is a pozzolanic material, so it can contribute to various properties, such as strength development at mature age. The strength development at early age, however, is significantly slow and may negatively affect traffic service. Early strength may be improved when limestone filler is mixed in fly-ash concrete. In addition,...
Relevant Interactions for Alkali-Silica-Reactions in Concrete Pavements
In the last few years cracking in concrete pavements often is attributed to alkali-silica-reaction (ASR). Although this is a very important aspect other impacts such as traffic loads and restraint stresses due to thermal and hygral effects may not be neglected. In many cases interactions between various causes can become...
Air Void Formation in the Laboratory and in Practice
As a result of a short mixing time excess air-entraining agent (AEA) is added during the production of air-entrained concrete to achieve the required air content. In this case, the fresh concrete contains AEA that has not been fully activated. If there is a subsequent input of mixing energy, the...
Guidelines for Concrete Roundabouts in the Netherlands
Due to the durability advantages of concrete pavements, the application of concrete for roundabouts is gaining more and more popularity among commissioning authorities. In the Netherlands it is estimated that there are over 3,000 roundabouts. The market share of concrete is still growing. Concrete roundabouts can only be durable when...
Effect of Curling Behavior on Surface Smoothness of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
The curling behavior of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) under environmental loads was analyzed by measuring vertical displacements at a number of different longitudinal and transverse locations, and the relationship between the surface smoothness and curling behavior was investigated. Two different crack spacings were selected and at each discrete...
The Rehabilitation of the Underpass Bleicherweg in Zürich
In Zurich the underpass Bleicherweg had to be maintained. An important part of the job was the pavement. The civil engineering department of the city of Zurich decided that the original asphalt pavement had to be replaced with a concrete pavement. The base of this decision, minimize possible water vapor...
Probabilistic Life-Cycle Cost of Pavements Characterization and Application of Parameter Input Variation for Scenarios
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) evaluates the economic performance of alternative pavement investments. Currently, practitioners treat input parameters as static, deterministic values, which although computationally simpler, will hide the implicit uncertainty underlying the analysis. Over the past decade, an emphasis has been placed upon accounting for uncertainty by treating input...
A Review of Mechanisms Associated with Premature Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavements
Premature deterioration of sawn joints has been reported in some cold climate regions in the USA. This paper reviews the multiple mechanisms have been found to contribute to the deterioration. Laboratory and field investigations have shown that freezing and thawing of saturated concreted is a dominant factor. Magnesium and calcium...
Extending the Service Life of Structurally Sound Concrete Roads in England
A number of concrete surfaced roads in the UK have been in service for over 30 years. In some cases, the original surface laitance applied to these carriageways is becoming worn, leading to reductions in texture and skid resistance, a combination that has been shown to have a negative effect...