Side drainage and sub-soil drainage layer operation and performance

Highways Members Only

A very favourable result emerges from the assessment of the soundness of structural arrangements adopted and developed over the past ten years (3rd International Conference at Purdue, April (985). After briefly reviewing this positive achievement resulting from closely concerted action of road managers, practical engineers and researchers, the authors more...

Large-size precast concrete slabs for urban road pavements with tramway tracks

Trackslabs Members Only

In 1967 precast concrete slabs were experimentally used in lieu of granite paving sets as surfacings fur carriageways used by trams in Vienna's public transport system. After some tests, increasingly large areas were paved by this method from 1970 onwards. The evident advanta~es of precast slabs were the deciding factor:...

Effect of the distribution of air entrained in superplasticized and high workability concrete for traffic areas

Highways Members Only

For obtaining a high degree of resistance to the action of frost and de-icing salts on concrete, it is essential to have an adequate content of air-filled micropores adjusted to the amount of fine-grained mortar in the mix. With QOI1ventional road concrete, correctly made, it can be presumed that if...

Criteria for the technical choice of priority sections to be reinstated on roads with concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

Concrete pavements have been used to a wide extent in France on the st.rategic motorway network of the Paris area and on development trunk roads such as the Paris- Lyons. Due to the age of such road pavements, some of which are more than 25 years old, and the large...

Use of cement-bound industrial wastes and recycled materials in earthworks and road construction

Highways Members Only

For environmental reasons, it is becoming increasingly difficult and eherefore expensive to find fresh sites for wasee disposal. Investigations have shown that coal fly-ash, refuse incinerator grate ash, demolished road asphalt and concrete rubble can, when suicably treated with cement, be economically reused for road construction, for which purpose they...

Fatigue experiments for the design of plain concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

In the design of plain (unrelonforced) concrete pavements the influences of traffic and temperature, among others, are taken 1.nto account. These sue j ect, the pavements to load var1.a1:.l.onBse.cause the traffl.c comprises vehicles widely differing wheel loads, the loading pattern due to it is very erratl.c: the frequency dnd...

Survey of drainage methods for concrete road pavements

Highways Members Only

In the Federal Republic of Germany, as in other countr~ es, concrete road pavements have in recent years been affected by deteriorative damage which is attributable to Lhe presence of wa ter in the pavement. lnvestigations which the Federal lnstitutefor Highway Englneerlng (Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen) started in 1981 aimed at...

Design and construction of continuously reinforced concrete composite pavement for the A63 South Docks Road Hull

Highways Members Only

The paper describes the approach adopted for the design and construction of a continuously reinforced concrete road base (CRCB) pavement for a major trunk road proect in the north-east region of the United Kingdom. The trunk road, known as the South Docks Road, is currently under construction and programmed for...

Construction of airfield pavements with concrete

Highways Members Only

Larger aircraft, heavier lo~ds, in~reasing numbers of load repetitions, but e8pec~ally s~ngle wheel loads of about 33 tonnes have given rise to d~age which has similarly affected airfields all over th~ world. The damage is in part due to the sub-base be1ng too weak and to lack of shear transfer...

Influence of Thermal Gradiente on Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

The non-destructive evaluation of a concrete pavement must account for the temperature warping condition of the slab at the test time. In fact the thermal gradients induced in the slab by the daily temperature variations cause the temperature warping of the slab and this affects the value of the maximum...

Use of new road materials (industrial wastes) in mixes for sub-bases

Highways Members Only

The replacement of traditional aggregates (limestone) by crushed blastfurnace slag or LD steelmaking slag in lean concrete and in cement-stabilized hardcore was investigated. The effect of adding fly-ash to mixes of the conventional type was also studied. For mixes of equal composition (in parts by volume) and equal grading (by...

Concrete pavements without and with dowels

Highways Members Only

The deformation behaviour of a transverse joint, without and with dowel bars, under the passage of a wheel, as calculated with the aid of Westergaard's formulae /1/ is represented in fig. 1. This shows that when there are no dowel bars and no aggregate interlock across the crack (efficiency index...