Thick concrete overlays in Belgium

Highways Members Only

The technique of con5tructin~ thick concrete overlays is at present being greatly developed in Belgium. Three periods are to be distinguished in overlay construction in this country: 1960 to 1969: experimental phase in which 210.000 m2 of overlay was constructed; 1970 to 1977: the second phase, in which the results...

Noise protection walls (Design and construction)

Highways Members Only

Since 1972 between 250,000 and 300,000 m2 of acoustic screening (noise reduction) barriers have been built in France, i.e., 70 - 80 km of such structures of medium height (2 - 6 m), along the roads. They have been installed under a policy of both road and rail traffic noise...

Commnon loadbearing effect of concrete pavement and cementbound sub-base

Highways Members Only

The combined load bearing action of the concrete pavement and the cement-bound sub-base (CRSB) has a favourable effect on the long-cerm behaviour of che road structure in the case of unreinforced concrete road slab construction wichout expansion joints. as has proved effective in Germany: - Because of che roughness of...

Continuous quality control of high performance concretes for road – within the framework of site supervision – using a new field tested BASIC-MC programme

Highways Members Only

Introduction and statement 'of problems: This paper closes the gap in concrete highway engineering technology by evaluating complex compactionphenomena and by deriving mathematical relationships between the concrete-technological, dynamic (thixotropic- plasticized) and physical parameters. It is based on the latest experience, e.g., including the construction of the concrete pavements of the...

The road: The multifunctional structural element in agricultural areas

Highways Members Only

Farm roads in interdependence with higher-ranking roads form int~grated traffic networks for the benefit of the rural and urban population. With -tbe many and vari~d duties that such roads perform they func tian more particularly as aids to agricultural and forestry development projects, with effects extending even into the ecological...

Experience with thin bonded cement-bound overlays in Austria

Highways Members Only

In Austria bonded overlays only 35 mm thick are made using a superplasticized concrete with a wie - ratio of 0.35 . The overlay has to be moist-cured. For thicknesses of only 20 mm a special latex addition is used. For good bond the concrete is brushed vigorously with a...

Concrete safety barriers: conditions of utilisation

Highways Members Only

The theme of safety for the vehicles on the road is very important and involves problems of several kinds. A system to limit the damages produced by the road accidents consists in placing at the edges of the road fixed and continuous obstacles which are called "safety barriers". In Italy,...

Erosion of concrete pavement sub-bases

Highways Members Only

A special session of the 65th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, in January 1986, brought together some 50 practitioners and research workers on the theme "Erosion of sub-bases; stepping of slabs and pumping of concrete pavements"; ~he presentation of 3 U.S. papers and two French ones...

Experiences with a slipform paver equipped with a dowel placing device

Highways Members Only

On the basis of experience gained on the Wildon road construction section it can be stated that slipforming is technically superior to conventional concrete placing. This applies more particularly to the better flexural strength of the top-course and bottom-course concrete in the pavement slab, the better evenness (riding quality), the...

Concrete dual-track roads

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Fully paved farm tracks which look like roads are coming in for a~ increasing amount of public eriticism, for they do not fit the ima~e of originally unpaved tracks consisting of two parallel wheel paths with a grassed strip in the middle. Trackways built of concrete do resemble the old...

Concrete overlay on the regional major road Eersel-Belgium frontier (SI7)

Highways Members Only

Since 1984 the county of ~oord-Brabant in the. ~etherlands is working out a programme ofconcrete cve r Lay i ng of old concrete pavements. These old pavements were mostly constructed in the 1960's. These roads, constructed on a sandbed,are unab Le to wi ths tand the increased weight and intens...

Cement concrete safety barriers

Highways Members Only

Since 1974 some 1000 km of concrete safecy barriers of the New Jersey CaliĀ£ornian type have been built in France, where these structures are known by the designations D.B.A., G.B.A. and L.B.A. These barriers, whether installed on the central reserve or along the outer edges of roads and motorways. are...