Continuously reinforced concrete overlays on various French motorways Constraints of a technical nature and due to the organisation of sites operating under traffic

Highways Members Only

The construction of continuously reinforced concrete overlays across the full carriageway width on busy motorways involves the need to make certain technical choices with respect to the materials employed (especially the cement), the plant and methods for carrying out the work and the organization and planning of the job, having...

Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Concrete Roads

Highways Members Only

For the repair of concrete roads to be effective and economic it is essential to have planned maintenance procedure. Details of such a procedure are to be published in the forthcoming publication "Manual for the Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Roads" ,which is to be adopted for roads administered by...

Experimental section of railway track on a reinforced concrete continuous slab

Highways Members Only

In 1975, on the Madrid - Barcelona railway line, an experimental section without ballast was constructed with a view to obtaining a track which would be of sufficiently good quality for use by fast trains while costing less to maintain. The 4,IOO-m-long section was located on a part of the...

Developments in concrete road construction – European survey

Highways Members Only

A survey of European concrete road construction is presented on the occasion of the fifth International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The Synoptic Table 1986 c~nta~ns in tabul~r form the principal data and guidel~ nes for the des~gn and construction of motorways and other roads of con~rete in 15 European countries....

Surface treatment of limestone concrete slab with the chipping technique

Highways Members Only

Since 1980 the technique of pavement construction with thick concrete slabs has been applied on 100 km of the A.26 motorway (Calais - Reims) in northern France. The concrete employed is made with regional limestone aggregates. In order to counteract lowered skidding resistance due to wear of these materials, a...

Use of and construction method for concrete block paving in the Federal Republic of Germany

Highways Members Only

For hundreds, indeed thousands of years, the only form of road surfacing was with stone blocks. The invention of tbe internal combustion engine and the tremendous growth of motorization, in conjunction with the use of asphalt, thrust the block-paved road into the background and bad a major effect on the...

Cost- effective restoration of jointed concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

This paper will summarize results from a major research project on the repair of jointed concrete pavements in the USA. The study approach involved: (I) a comprehensive evaluation of current and new alternate methods of joint/crack repairs, (2) selection of the most promising techniques, (3) the development of design and...

Critical assessment of various construction techniques

Highways Members Only

The long-term behaviour of various types of road pavement construction can be estimated or prognosticated from a methodical assessment of the condition of the roads and the associated data collection. Prognoses can be made not only with regard to technical cri teria, but also with regard to overall cost trends...

A British Railway Slab Track Project

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Paved concrete track (PACT) is a continuously reinforced profiled concrete slab laid by a purposedesigned'o rm paving train on which the rails are continuously supported. This paper traces the development of the system by British Rail and includes a detailed description of the components of the system and the...

UK practice for the design and construction of concrete roads

Highways Members Only

1.1 Concrete roads constructed in the enited Kingdom based on the advice contained J.n Road Note 29 (3rd Edition) 1970 have generally proved to be satisfactory in that as far as is known there have been no failure of slabs due to traffic loading. l'lhere failures have occurred these have...

Joints in concrete roads – Aspects of construction and performance

Highways Members Only

Increasing demands are bein~ made on joints in conérete roads by greater traffic 'voluines anld heavier loads. Most joints 'perform satisfactorily, yet a small proportion fail in service, resultinn in expensive remedial work. The paper reviews the main types of joints, and problems associated with their construction and performance. It...

An assesment of interlocking concrete block pavements

Highways Members Only

A number of interlocking concrete block pavements (lCBP's) in applications ranging from residential streets to a quarry access road have been monitored. This wc.rkhas included the changing nature of the block layer; particularly its stiffness. The latter quali ty has been assessed by means of the force required to remove...