Considerations in the Design of Jointed Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

This paper provides considerations, recommendations, and guidelines on the design of jointed concrete pavements. These are based on the field performance results of 95 inservice con-crete pavement sections, on the results of a literature review,and on the experience of the authors. Key considerations in thedesign of concrete pavements are highlighted...

Concrete Paving in the UK One Contractors Experience and Approach Since 1983

Highways Members Only

dfred McAlpine Construction Ltd have constructed 20 kilometres of concrete carriageway using slipform pavers; 00 kilometres of which have been completed since 1983. This aper sets out the philosophy and experience of this firm with egard to the construction since 1983. It highlights the decision laking processes undergone at tender...

Design of Sand-Cement Base Courses Using Fracture Mechanics Principles

Highways Members Only

Sand-cement base courses exhibit shrinkage and fatigue crack-ing. Both types of cracks tend to reflect through the asphaltictop layers. An analysis has been made to determine pavementlife, which is defmed as the number of cycles until cracks arevisible at the pavement surface, by taking into account fatiguecrack initiation, propagation and...

Porous Urban Pavements in Cement Concrete

Local Government Members Only

Questions regarding the environment are being particularly felt in certain countries, and noise con-trol requirements have led to the development ofthin free draining materials able to limit tirepavement contact noise.We shallbe dealingherenotwith a thin free draining pavement structure, butwith a porous concrete pavement of 40 cm thick-ness. Theoretical studies have...

Superplasticised Concrete For Urban Paving

Local Government Members Only

Concrete made with a superplasticiser has been used in Germany in the field of paving since the middle of the seventies. If these concretes of high workability show a high strength at a young age, they are called high early strength. These concretes can be subjected to high loading on...

Ultrasonic Method in Concrete Road Testing

Highways Members Only

To determine the concrete strength in road surface the authors have applied an ultrasonic method. In this method ultrasonic transducers are imposed to the upper surface of the pavement slab. The distance between the transducers is constant. Next propagation time of longitudinal ultrasonic wave is measured. The time of propagation...

Load Transfer Restoration LCPC Freyssinet Connector

Highways Members Only

The LCPCIFREYSSINET slab connector is an innovating device allowing load transfer restauration of concrete roads submitted to pumping effects. It is constittïed by two synietrical half-shells in cast iron glued to a central elastomeric pad and contains an adjusted steel-pin which slides freely within housings machined in the shells, making...

Resurfacing Flexible Pavements with Thin Layers of Concrete with Steel Reinforcement

Highways, Local Government Members Only

This paper describes the studies, reports and experimental sections related to this new type of pavement, not conventional, composed of a thin concrete layer, but with a steel reinforcement, in sufficient quantity to resist the traffic loads. The description goes back to the first studies and tests carried out inthe...

Various Construction Techniques in North America_ Asia and Europe Economic Construction with Roller-Compacted Concrete

Highways Members Only

Clients and contractors all over the world are aiming to reduce construction cost by using less expensive construction material and applying new, more economic construction methods. This is a continuous challenge to the manufacturers of construction machinery to modify existing machines or develop new ones to meet the contractor's requirements....

A New Design Method For Control of Cracking in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

Reinforcement stress and crack width has been in-vestigated in full scale experimental pavement ofContinuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement forthree years. The validity of designequation for pre-dicting crack width distributed through the thick-ness of the slab and reinforcement stress etc.,which is based on bond stress -slip relationshipconsidering the effect of both concrete...

A Contribution to the Study of Joints on Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

vlaterials used as joint sealants on concrete pavements are zenerally classified in: - Preformed sealants. - Field molded sealants. l'his work shows the demanded characteristics for preformed .ealants and field molded sealants. The last ones are divided in :wo types: thermosetting -two component systems- coldap-rlied, and thermoplastics --one component- bot...

Economic Analysis of Cement Fly Ash Bound Materials

Highways Members Only

In order to design a cement bound mixture for use in base/sub-base pavement layers, it isusually re-quired to obtain a certain minimun strength value.Ifonly one type of binder isused, the problem hasonly one restriction and one variable, so, one onlysolution. However, if more binders are added tothe mixture, asit happens...