Austria has more than 30 years' experience in concrete road construction. Half of the approximately 650 km of motorways with a concrete pavement are more than 20 years old. 40/0have already been reconstructed, some 14% will have to be reconstructed within the next 5 to 10 years. The remainder is...
Pavement Rehabilitation. Tools That Work
A nation's highway system is an investment used to transport manufactured goods and farm products. The challenge in maintaining this transportation system has been devising a cost-effective rehabilitation method as an alternate to the «bandaid » cover up. This paper describes the six steps of concrete pavement restoration plus two...
Structure Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement in Japan has progressed rapidly today because of its simplified paving method and early opening to traffic. Structural properties of RCCP are required to be investigated to establish design method of this pavement. Load response after paving and strain due to base course friction were measured....
The Effect of Heavy Loads on the Stress Distribution at the Surface of a Crc Pavement
A continuosly reinforced concrete pavement has been laid in 1984 within the steel mill Sidmar near the city of Ghent in Belgium. This paper deals with the tests performed in 1987 on the pavement and the analysis of the results. A French device, called "Ovalimètre", made it possible to measure...
Highway Liquid Sealants a South African Perspective
This paper presents aspects of liquid sealant installation and behaviour in joints in concrete roads under South African con-ditions. It covers joint preparation, installations techniques,quality control and field testing. A description of the generictypes of liquid sealants is given as well as behaviour charac-teristics obtained from laboratory tests which included:...
Improvement of the Road Surface Evenness of a Concrete Pavement by Grinding
Diamond grinding of a new concrete pavement surface produced an improvement on the road sur-face evenness which was evaluated in almost twounits in the International Roughness Index scale(mikm). This improvement was achieved mainlybecause of the removal ofroad irregularities withshort and medium wavelengths (0,5m
Cements For Concrete Pavements Mixed Cement Or Type V with Fly Ash
In Spain the development of cement, specially for concrete pavements, has been based on making use of fly ash in cement production. Such a development was achieved after studying the characteristics of the available fly ash and the respective experiencies. The results led to a widespread use of this type...
Precast Concrete Footway Paving Slabs That Resist Vehicular Overrun
This paper presents research into the design of square precast concrete paving flags ranging in plan size between 600 mm and 300 mm square. A design method for these paving flags overrun by vehicles is presented. The method shows that the existing test procedure underestimates the paving flag strength and...
Cement Concrete Secondary Roads Management Using the Belgian Road Research Centre Gersec System
A pavement management system for secondary road networks has been developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for local government agencies and municipalities and handles both cement concrete and bituminous pavements. The system called GERSEC integrates technical approaches and economical evaluations with a view to optimize the distribution of the...
Rapid Rehabilitation Techniques with Cement Concrete_ Applied on Deformed Asphaltic Roads
On asphaltic roads the so called «wash-boardeffect » in front of traffic lights is a well known phenomenon. Regular reconstruction of these areas places a significant and recurrent burden on road managing authorities. Because of the large volumen of traffic at these intersections repair works also lead to a huge...
Developments in Australian RCC
Australia has now over three years of experience in the use of high strength RCC in pavements with over 40 projects completed. Whilst the majority of Australian projects have been relatively small in comparison to American and European experience, nevertheless they have enabled a continued development of design, construction and...
The Design of Concrete Pavements and Overlays
This paper describes a method developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for the design of cement concrete pavements and overlays. The object of this method is to avoid fatigue cracking of the surfacing (or overlay) and excessive permanent deformation of the subgrade soil. It results from the application of...