A brief review of China's practice on structural design of concrete pavements is presented. The designmethodology adopted controls the combined fatigue damage due to repeated traffic loading and fluctuating temperature gradient, and solves the loading and thermal warping stresses by using the finite element method, based on a mechanistic mo-del...
Modern Construction of Concrete Pavements For Expressways in Spain
In this paper, basic characteristics of concrete pavements constructed in Spain during the last years, corresponding to the General Highway Plan 1984-1991, are described. The main solutions adopted to get a concrete pavement with high strength and appropriate texture are an~)ed. The solutions used in the construction in cold weather...
Noise Reducing Concrete Surface. a Model For Assessment
me of the attributes required from a pavement is a noise redu-ing effect. But an optimization of this attribute without con-idering other important requirements as stability and pos-ibilities for patching, reinstatement and environmentaliaintenance is contrary to all national economic principles. Inact it is the road user who is running the...
The Chemical Characterization of Admixtures For Cement Concrete
Although the Belgian standards provide for quality control of idrnixtures for cement concrete, it is interesting to complement his information by a more thorough chemical identification. this makes it possible to increase the economic advantages vhich result from their use. nfrared spectrographic investigation, which enables the ategory of basic chemical...
Concrete Pavements on Industrial and Port Areas the Belgian Experience
The relative improvement of the economic situation, the growing transport by trucks and the increasing use of containers have created an important need for durable pavements, with very low maintenance cost. Due to the rich Belgian experience with concrete roads, many companies prefer to use concrete for surfacing industrial and...
Reflective Cracking on Concrete Pavements with Cement Treated Sub-Base
One concrete pavement just built was showing some located transverse cracking. In order to evaluate the cracking cause, longitudinal displacements were measured in some cracks and transverse joints. Results obtained showed that concrete cracking was reflected from cement treated base cracks, and allowed to verify that such phenomena happened in...
Cement Concrete Pavement on Granular Base Course of Graduated Concrete-Recycling-Ma Terlal
The hitherto used standard building method using hydraulic bound regulating and base course has been criticised for frequently faiîing. If existing concrete pavements are rehabilitated, the old road structures have to be involved into the new wearing system, so that the required bearing capacity E, ~ 50 Nz'mnr' may be...
Experimental Study of the Strain Modulus of Compacted Concrete
In this paper the results of several experimental studies carried out in order to determine some properties of RCC are described. These properties are important to design and to control RCC pavements: - comparison between strain modulus of different RCC and vibrated concrete mixes whose mechanical strength were similar; proposal...
Assessment of Piarc Recommendation on the Combatting of Pump Inc in Concrete Pavements
Within the PIARC Concrete Roads Technical Committee,ninecountrieshaveworkedout a common platform of recommendations for improving the longterm performance of concrete pavements by implementing appropriate design provisions, draining of interface infiltration water, use of low-erodability subbase materials, optimized drainage,and surface waterproofing. Some countries hadalready applied all or part of these design provi-sions...
The Use of Urban Solid Waste Slags in Soil Cement and Cement Bound Granular Materials
Researchers and Technicians have ascertained that the use of ppropriate substitution materials in cement stabilizations and nixtures during the construction of road-base, sub-base and oundation layers allows to simultaneously fulfill technical-tructural, economical and environmental-ecological require-nents,~s an alternative by-product, Urban Solid Waste Ashes and:lags have been tested in a laboratory in...
Measurements of Noise Caused by Tyre Friction on Different Test Roads
This report isabout various tests concerning noise caused by tyre-friction on various surface textu-res: on old and new concrete roads as well as ona rough, uneven surface.In this connection the influence of the various sur-face textures on the development of the noisecaused by tyre-friction is explained.Through these tests it could...
Dependable Production of Air-Entrained Concrete with High Resistance to Freezing and Thawing in the Presente of De-Icing Salt For Road and Bridge Construction
To ensure that concrete has a high resistance to freezing and thawing it must contain small air voids which are produced by an air-entraining agent and which must be present in sufficient quantities to match the amount of fine mortar. The limits for the air content of unset concrete and...