The Actuality & Prospect of RCCP in China

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The research on RCCP was launched in early 80' in China. The laboratory test started in 1981 followed by the first sectioii of field experimcnt road in 1982. And then extended resmrch was carried out in 1983 and 1984. A few years later in 1988, the research on Cement Concrete...

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Roadbases

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In the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat is the authority in charge among others of the construction of highways. The department Utrecht of Rijkswaterstaat has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase for the construction of the 7 km long new highway scction between the cities of Bunnik and I Jtrecht. This choise was...

Concrete Requirements for Ultra-Thin Concrete (Whitetopping) for Flexible Pavements

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Whitetopping solutions for old flexible asphalt pavement overlays have been a challange for highway agencies and designers in the recent past years, with special regards to ultra-thin concrete overlays, also called by ultrathin whitetopping (UTW). Considering the needs of full bond between the UTW and the old asphalt concrete (AC)...

Performance of Thin Concrete Overlays in South South Africa

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Since 1970, several highways in South Africa were cujistructed in Portland cement concrete, the only design being used was the jointed unreinforced concrete pavements. Due to early deterioration as a result of alkali aggregate reaction, one section had to be overlayed In order to determine the last option, several experimental...

Test-Methods on Road Concrete with a Very Porous Structure

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Research is carried out in the Magnel Laboratory - Ghent University into the properties of road concrete with a very porous structure, enriched with polymer emulsions. The aim of the tests is to optimise the composition of the porous concrete. In this context, the choice of the type of polymer...

Fibre Reinforced Concrete Roads Surfaced with Concrete Paving Stones

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The paper describes enhanced specifications for concrete block roads suitable for heavy channelised traffic in city centres. It describes two case studies and shows how bedding sand and fibre reinforced concrete roadbases can be specified to ensure zero rutting and a cost effective solution.

Concrete Road Design a Special Urban Solution

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Theme: in 1994 a rigid pavement solution was implemented on the underpass of the National Road n° 107 crossing the National Road nu 12, in the ambit of the remodelling project of the concerning cross-road roundabout, situated in the periphery of the city of Porto, involving only one extension of...

Consideration of Some Factors Affecting the Competitiveness and Potential for Future Use of Concrete Roads in the UK

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Although concrete roads have traditionally been used in the construction of a small part of the UK network, there is continuing interest in the potential for concrete pavements. Consideration of the way in which whole life cost (WLC) may influence selection of the most competitive form of concrete structure when...

A Contribution to Concrete Pavement Analysis

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The concrete pavement structure consisting of the M40 concrete slab 160 to 240 mm in thickness and the cement-stabilized base course (CSB) 150 to 250 mm in thickness, is analyzed in the paper. The pavement slab is not reinforced and the spacing between expansion joints was selected in such a...

The Use of Slipform Technique for Traffic Infrastructure Constructions

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Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete pavements for roads, but also for construction of aircraft movement areas, industrial surfaces, secondary traffic areas, and rigid railtrack systems made of conciele. Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete safety barriers, cable troughs, curbs or gutters, too. If...

Bending Fatigue Properties of Concrete Pavements with Recycled Aggregates

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This report presents the experimental studies on the bending fatigue properties of normally cast concrete and roller compacted concrete mixed with recycled aggregates produced from concrete waste and on the applicability of this concrete to pavement. The present studies provides the following principal conclusions. (1)Recycled aggregate can be used as...

K-Values of Fly Ash Concrete of Equal Low Slump

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The paper presents a general principle for the determination of the k-values for fly ash concrete and the results obtained on concretes with cement contents of 200, 300 and 400 kg/rn 3, fly ash cement ratios of 11%, 25%, 43%, 67% and 100% and equal slump of 30 mm. The...