This paper presents a laboratory-based mix design method for roller compacted concrete pavements for optimizing their cost-performance. It consists in introducing a new design procedure based on laboratory tests for aggregates, sand/gravel ratio, cement/water ratio, cement content, and resistance of the specimens to compression and flexion, in order to establish...
Imprinted Concrete Installations in Brussels
Over the past years, consideration was given to the damage some streets were exhibiting which had been constructed from porphyre cobblestones paving or concrete block paving. The director of the street accomodation for the region of Brussels took the decision to replace those damaged areas with an Imprinted Concrete Paving...
Flightdeck Crews and Runway Contrac-Tor Crews Working Together Face to Face on the 5th Extension to Zurich Airport Switzerland
During the extension to Zurich Airport in northern Switzerland, the Oberbau Civil Engineering Construction Consortium (Arbeits-Gemeinschaft) has probably been successful in completing the largest volume of concrete laying works in Central Europe by comparison with similar conversion undertakings. The works included the preparation and laying down of concrete runways, taxiways...
Whitetoppings – Long Term Performance and Recommendations
Field tests have been carried out with thin, high strength concrete overlays (whitetoppings) placed on top of the milled asphalt pavement The aim is to find methods to restore rutted asphalt pavements and iliclease their rutting resistance. The whitetopping was limited to 70 mm. Both plain and steel fibre reinforced...
Vibration Absorbing Concrete Pavements
The evaluation and control of vibrations induced in the environment by the road traffic is a problem of increasing concern mainly in urban areas. Several solutions are under development to define pavement structures capable of absorbing traffic vibrations so to reduce the impact on the environment surrounding the road infrastructure....
Research Into Concrete Block Paving with Realistic Load of a Heay Vehicle Wheel
Within the scope of a research project different block pavings have been studied under realistic load of a road test machine considering the influence on the resistance to vertical deformations and horizontal displacements.
Eco-Concrete Block Paving
Eco-concrete block paving is considered to be a significant innovation for environmentally beneficial pavements in residential areas. The objective is to infiltrate rainwater on the spot. The use of permeable concrete block paving is restricted by its bearing capacity and the existing soil. The paper deals with fundamental rules, design...
Consideration of Some Factors Affecting the Competitiveness and Potential for Future Use of Concrete Roads in the UK
Although concrete roads have traditionally been used in the construction of a small part of the UK network, there is continuing interest in the potential for concrete pavements. Consideration of the way in which whole life cost (WLC) may influence selection of the most competitive form of concrete structure when...
A Contribution to Concrete Pavement Analysis
The concrete pavement structure consisting of the M40 concrete slab 160 to 240 mm in thickness and the cement-stabilized base course (CSB) 150 to 250 mm in thickness, is analyzed in the paper. The pavement slab is not reinforced and the spacing between expansion joints was selected in such a...
The Use of Slipform Technique for Traffic Infrastructure Constructions
Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete pavements for roads, but also for construction of aircraft movement areas, industrial surfaces, secondary traffic areas, and rigid railtrack systems made of conciele. Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete safety barriers, cable troughs, curbs or gutters, too. If...
Bending Fatigue Properties of Concrete Pavements with Recycled Aggregates
This report presents the experimental studies on the bending fatigue properties of normally cast concrete and roller compacted concrete mixed with recycled aggregates produced from concrete waste and on the applicability of this concrete to pavement. The present studies provides the following principal conclusions. (1)Recycled aggregate can be used as...
K-Values of Fly Ash Concrete of Equal Low Slump
The paper presents a general principle for the determination of the k-values for fly ash concrete and the results obtained on concretes with cement contents of 200, 300 and 400 kg/rn 3, fly ash cement ratios of 11%, 25%, 43%, 67% and 100% and equal slump of 30 mm. The...