For three years the Roads and Traffic Administration (AWV) of Flemish Brabant in Belgium has been using the technique of ultrafast-track (UFT) concrete paving for the rehabilitation of several road sections. The aim is to achieve a compressive strength of 40 N/mm² on cores after 30 to 36 h of...
Urban Works in Cement Concrete: Cross Experiments Between the Road World and the Street World
The street is not a road because it fulfils multiple functions as a travel, social, cultural and economic space. The choice and organisation of surfacing play an important role, which must be clearly identified by roadway players. Cement concrete in all its urban forms occupies a place of choice in...
Skid Resistance in Austrian Tunnels with Special Attention to Concrete Pavements
The skid resistance of a road surface is of high importance for road safety. All kinds of controllable acceleration, deceleration and steering actions are only possible, if the road surface offers at least the same adhesion as the drivers action requires. It gets even more difficult due to the fact...
Walloon Design Method for Concrete Pavements Improvements Since 2003
The Administration of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport of the Walloon Government, together with researchers of the Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry and the Belgian Road Research Centre, put into practice a software program for the structural design of pavements. This program is in use for several years...
Research on Frost Damage of Concrete for Pavements with Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Fly-Ash Cement
Due to severe freeze thaw salt damage to concrete pavements on military airfields in the Netherlands, the Agency for Infrastructure of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (DGW&T) decided to prescribe ordinary Portland cement (CEM I 32.5R, coded as PC) with air entrainer. The ENCI (First Dutch Cement Industry) is of...
White Topping Assessment of Asphalt Concrete Interfaces
For the rehabilitation of rutted asphalt pavements white topping and ultra thin white topping turned out to be adequate methods. The force-fit bonding between asphalt and concrete is a pre-condition for the functioning and durability of this method. Little attention is paid on testing of the bonding; in the majority...
Concrete Pavement Without Dowel Bars
The joint system presented herein takes advantage of the natural development of shrinkage in concrete to induce the formation of joints along the projections of previously placed system devices. Such system induces in an in-situ concrete pavement an efficient interlocking indentation among the slab elements resulting from the shrinkage phenomenon....
Implementation Aspects of the Steenokkerzeel Bypass Road
Early in 2005 the Steenokkerzeel bypass road was opened for traffic. This road forms a type of ring road around Steenokkerzeel centre. This new road was linked to the centre via roundabouts in two places. The bypass road as well as both roundabouts were laid in continuously reinforced concrete, the...
Austrian Experience with Concrete Pavement Design and Construction of Highly Trafficked Roundabouts
Design and construction of road intersections in the form of roundabouts is getting more and more popular not only in urban areas but also on highly trafficked primary rural roads due to their high road safety potential. Well designed roundabouts show improved safety characteristics by reducing the number and, particularly,...
The Building of PCC Pavements in the High Plateau (Altiplano) of Bolivia
The High Plateau (known as Altiplano) in Bolivia has unique climate. The high altitude, over 4000 m above sea level, relative humidity, as low as 20% and daily temperature ranges between 25° C max. day down to 10°C at night during winter time, impose special construction processes for concreting...
Air Purification and Self-Cleaning Materials Photocatalytic Pavement Blocks on the Leien of Antwerp
Heterogeneous photocatalysis is a rapidly developing field in environmental engineering. It has a great potential to cope with the increasing pollution by traffic. The addition of a photocatalyst to ordinary building materials such as concrete, creates environmental friendly materials by which air pollution or pollution of the surface itself can...
Bearing Capacity of Concrete Roads
The pavement management of concrete roads in Ge rmany is essentially based on surface-referred status datas. Suitable measuring techniques are available for the data aquisition. Approved and practicable methods apply for their evaluation. However there are no appropriate procedures and concepts for the structural substance evaluation regarding the prognosis of...