Worlds and domestic experiences in constructing cement concrete pavements confirm that the concrete resistance to the action of frost and de-icing agents depends on the content of the conventially-closed air voids in hardened concrete. In Russia the requirements for the content of the air voids in hardened concrete based on...
Concrete Roadways and Air Quality – Assessment of Trials in Vanves in the Heart of the Paris Region
Despite the considerable progress achieved by automakers and public policy efforts to promote '"soft" and "public" travel modes, the air quality of our streets can become critical at singular periods of the year, particularly for the more fragile populations. It is possible today to reduce the most harmful nitrogen oxides,...
Experience with the Construction of An Ultra-Thin Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
This paper describes the design and construction of an Ultra-Thin Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (UTCRCP) that has been constructed near Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa. The UTCRCP may be described as a specific implementation of Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC) in the field of pavement engineering. Mix design of the...
The Ekkersrijt Sustainable Roundabout Construction (A50)
At the exits and especially the entrances of Ekkersrijt in the Ring of Eindhoven (a part of the A50) is a problematic situation. Close to these entrances and exits there is a concrete elements factory (Betonson) which is producing elements with big dimensions. That means not only heavy loads (which...
Execution of Concrete Pavements with a Fixed Moulds System the Experience of Portuguese Air Force
Portuguese Air Force (PoAF) has, over the years, adopted the above mentioned solution for the construction of concrete pavements in their operational areas, considering this is the best suited technical and economical option to build and carry out aeronautical pavements in a successful way. Although this solution has higher initial...
Special High Technology Binding Materials for Stabilization / Solidification of Contaminated Soils
Inerting of contaminated soils is a processing technique that prevents them from migrating pollutants affecting the environment. It is based on obtaining by mixing soil with special cement based binders, an array of physical and chemical properties that immobilizes the harmful chemicals preventing its bioavailability. As a technique of treatment...
Crack Behaviour of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements
The use of continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) is well spread in Belgium, mainly because of the confidence in its durability. It is used frequently on Belgian motorways and also on other heavily trafficked roads. The behaviour of CRCP is influenced by a number of specific characteristics such as the...
Concrete and Bituminous Pavements in the Seville – Cadiz Motorway Comparison of Total Costs
The AP-4 motorway connecting Seville with Cadiz in southern Spain was opened to traffic in 1971. About half its length has a concrete pavement designed in accordance with the Californian approach prevailing at that period (plain concrete pavement with undowelled joints, on a cement treated base). Pavements with asphalt concrete...
Concrete Pavements as a Source of Heating and Cooling
There is great potential to use the large open space of pavement structures, equipped with an embedded pipe network, in conjunction with a heat pump, to provide heating and cooling for adjacent buildings, e.g. airport terminals, shopping centres etc, here termed a Pavement Source Heat Pump (PSHP). Due to the...
Evaluation by FWD and Faultimeter of Concrete Slabs Stability
In order to rehabilitate non-dowelled secondary concrete slab roads or to reduce noise caused by faulting slabs, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of their stability.. Faulting, pumping and the presence of voids must be investigated, and appropriate stabilization measures must be taken. Different investigation techniques are applied...
Fibremix Concrete for Road and Industrial Pavements
The paper deals with the development and application of fibre/concrete mix in general and specifically with the detailed design and execution for highway service stations and container terminals. It includes empirical evidence for the maximum size of concrete slabs without construction joints and the risks of cracks from dilatation or...
High Performance Cementitious Material (HPCM) a Long-Life Wearing Course for Heavy Duty Pavement
This paper presents an on-going, international research project, aimed at demonstrating the valid-ity of an innovative concept of long-life wearing course. The High-Performance Cementitious Mate-rial (HPCM) consists of an ultra-thin, 8 mm layer of Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Mor-tar, in which hard, non-polishing aggregates are embedded. This composite material is...