Long-life concrete pavements require less frequent repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction, and therefore contribute to improving highway safety and mitigating congestion. Experience with these pavements, including examples of concrete pavements that have remained in service for more than 35 years. CRCP set out to offer the market a new alternative in...
Exposed Aggregate Concrete Pavement Design Construction and Functional Performance-A Comparison of European and US Experiences
In 2006, a group of highway agency and paving industry representatives from the USA visited Europe in search of current practices for the design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of concrete pavements. In every country visited, examples of exposed aggregate concrete were demonstrated. While not a new discovery, the discussions did...
The Construction of the Rosario – Cordoba Highway An Emblematic Project of the Road Activity in Argentina
Due to the magnitude of the project, its characteristics, and the economic and cultural development of the region where it settles, the construction of the Rosario Cordoba Highway represents an emblematic project of the road activity in Argentina. A singularity of this motorway is that it has been built...
Slab Jacking Development of New Materials
In order to extend the lifetime of concrete roads for many years, it is very important to secure a proper maintenance. Loosely embedded slabs, for example, should be stabilized and, if necessary, jacked in an early stadium in order to prevent further damage of these and the bordering slabs. The...
Roundabouts with Concrete Pavements: Austrian Experiences
The concrete construction method is predominantly used in Austria for the high-rank road network (motorways, expressways) with heavy traffic and / or a high percentage of heavy vehicles. Re-cently, concrete pavements are also used in case of low traffic loads (track lanes, concrete paving blocks) and for roundabouts. This contribution...
Specifications for the Construction of Steel Fibre-Reinforced Roller Compacted Concrete Roads
Depending on the prevailing material and energy prices, concrete roads can be made more cost-effective than asphalt roads. However, to provide a truly sustainable solution, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption associated with the production and maintenance of concrete roads, as well as to minimise their construction /...
Replacing the Aggregate by Rice Husk Ash in Roller Compacted Concrete for Composite Pavements
World rice production reaches 662 million tons per year. The husks represent 20% of this amount and when burned, 20% of this byproduct is transformed into rice husk ash (RHA). In general, there is not an environmental management policy concerning this residue. Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a material which...
Long-Term Performance of a Concrete Pavement in a Motorway on Plastic Soils in Spain
The Sevilla Cádiz motorway was the first one in Spain where a concrete pavement was constructed with a slip-form paver. It was opened to traffic in 1971. Shortly, longitudinal cracks appeared, deemed to the presence of plastic soils in the subgrade. Sometimes these craks were several centimetres wide. It...
Concrete Pavement Recycling Practices in the US
Concrete pavements are recycled for paving applications in at least 41 U.S. states and production of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in the U.S. currently averages about 140 million tons (127 million metric tons) per year. The primary application of RCA has been subbase materials, but it also has been used...
Life Cycle Assessment for Road Construction and Use
At present the choice of materials and techniques in road construction is dictated by structural requirements and economical aspects. Ecological factors have gained in importance due to environmental considerations in politics and society. To evaluate the environmental impact of motorways, a life cycle assessment (LCA) according to ISO 14040 was...
Ten Years of Good Performance of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Experiment in Brazil Summary of Main Learnings
During the 1999 spring, two sections of ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) were built in an urban street at a bus stop within the University of São Paulo campus, over a thin 45 mm asphalt layer. The UTW was constructed, defining two square panels of 0.6 and 1.0 m in size and...
Precast Concrete Pavement for Intermittent Concrete Pavement Repair Applications
Precast pavement technology is a recently improved construction method that can be used to meet the need for rapid pavement repair and construction. Precast pavement systems are fabricated or assembled off-site, transported to the project site, and installed on a prepared foundation (existing pavement or re-graded foundation). The system components...