
Pavement Rehabilitation. Tools That Work


A nation's highway system is an investment used to transport manufactured goods and farm products. The challenge in maintaining this transportation system has been devising a cost-effective rehabilitation method as an alternate to the «bandaid » cover up. This paper describes the six steps of concrete pavement restoration plus two...

The Design and Maintenance of Contraction Joints Behaviour of the Namur Test Road After 10 Years of Traffic


This article describes the behaviour after 10 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur, The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...

Rapid Rehabilitation Techniques with Cement Concrete_ Applied on Deformed Asphaltic Roads


On asphaltic roads the so called «wash-boardeffect » in front of traffic lights is a well known phenomenon. Regular reconstruction of these areas places a significant and recurrent burden on road managing authorities. Because of the large volumen of traffic at these intersections repair works also lead to a huge...

Moisture Effects on the Bahaviour of PCC Pavements


Results of immersion-drying laboratory lest on pavement con-crete pieces show that tbe deformations produced by internalmoisture variations are as important as those produced bytemperature changes. Indirect measurements of internal mois-ture in actual pavements demonstrate the predominant existenceof a moisture differential between the slab surface and bottom.The resulting upward warping in...

Practical Rehabilitation Options For an Aar Affected Jointed Concrete Pavement


As a result of fine cracks that initiated in the vicinity of the joints of an unreinforced jointed concrete pavement, structural failures rapidly developed under traffic. Structural failures manifested as punch outs where severe pumping at wider cracks occured and it was clear that only reconstruction or overlaying could be...

Improvement of the Road Surface Evenness of a Concrete Pavement by Grinding


Diamond grinding of a new concrete pavement surface produced an improvement on the road sur-face evenness which was evaluated in almost twounits in the International Roughness Index scale(mikm). This improvement was achieved mainlybecause of the removal ofroad irregularities withshort and medium wavelengths (0,5m

Performance of Crack & Seat and Saw & Seal Overlays


Maintenance problems in asphalt concrete overlays over portland cement concrete pavements may result from reflection cracking at the location of working joints and cracks in the underlying slab. Two methods of reflection crack control which have been used by many agencies in the United States within the past ten years...

Resistance of Concrete Safety Barriers and Concrete Road Against the Scaling Action of Deicing Salts


The paper presents a synthesis of results related to the construc-tion of concrete safety barriers and of a study about the treat-ment of roads in which the strength against deicing salts wastoo low.A survey of the 13 concrete safety barriers after 3 wintersshows that there is a rather good relation...

Thin Continuously Reinforced Concrete and Steel Fffire Reinforced Concrete Overlays – Performance Affer Three to Eight Years


Since 1982 experimental sections of thin overlays have been constructed for an amount of 171.000 m'. Eight of these sections are made of 10 to 12 cm thick steel fibre reinforced concrete, six of them on a bituminous underlayer and two on old concrete pavement. Four other sections should verify...

Design Charts For Small Element Precast Concrete Slab Pavements Using a Combined Finite Element Westergaard Approach


Small element precast concrete slab pavements through their use in urban areas where vehicular over-run is predominant have suffered severe failures which incurred a substantial public expenditure for their maintenance in the UK. This has created a need for the development of a rational design method that would lead to...

Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques in Canada


The rehabilitation of portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements on high volume freeways have always posed a challenge. In the summer of 1989, the Ministry of Transportation of the Province of Ontario (MTO), Canada, accepted the unique challenge to rehabilitate one such freeway using various PCC pavement repair techniques in one...

Precast Concrete Footway Paving Slabs That Resist Vehicular Overrun


This paper presents research into the design of square precast concrete paving flags ranging in plan size between 600 mm and 300 mm square. A design method for these paving flags overrun by vehicles is presented. The method shows that the existing test procedure underestimates the paving flag strength and...