Slipform construction of concrete road pavements began in the USA in the late 1940s. It was introduced in Australia in 1978/79 and is now the preferred form of construction and used wherever practicable. Australia’s first slipformed concrete pavement, Foreshore Road at Botany Bay in Sydney, about 4km in length with...
Foreshore Road Port Botany NSW Australia’s First Slipformed Concrete Road Pavement A 37-Year Review
The Role of Quality Assurance in Delivering Long-Life Concrete Pavements
The fundamental goal of any pavement design and construction project is to provide a pavement system that will survive the predicted traffic and environment for the pavement design life. Structural design is primarily considered as the way to meet that goal. Concrete mixtures and construction practices are generally assumed to...
ASCP 2nd Concrete Pavements Conference 2013
ASCP Presentation 001 Conference Overture John Hodgkinson ASCP Paper 01 ASCP Presentation 01 Construction of the New Silk Road (Western China to Western Europe Transport Corridor) David Dash ASCP Paper 02 Key Components in Long Term Sustainability of Concrete Pavement Systems Dan Zollinger ASCP Presentation 02 Sustainability Considerations for PCC...
ASCP 1st Concrete Pavements Conference 2011 – brochure
Registration fees include GST. A Tax Invoice will be issued on payment of fees. Fees include attendance at the Conference, a CD containing papers presented, attendance at the Conference Dinner. Includes all meals and refreshments. Payment must be made at least ten ( 10 ) working days prior to the...
Concrete materials, testing, design and construction
Constraints in using Manufactured Sands RMS Scope of Works & Technical Criteria Early Entry Sawing Shrinkage Ring Beam testing The Case for Concrete Roads Manufactured Sands - Research Full Width Paving - induced crack Eraring Flyash Quality
Purpose and Goals of the New European Concrete Paving Association (EUPAVE)
This presentation outlines the history of concrete pavement associations in Europe and the informed rationale behind the formation of EUPAVE. Please note this presentation is in .pps format
ISCP Conference Report, Performance of Silicone Seals
RMS Quality Alert - Sealants Silicone Seal Performance - ASCP report ISCP Advanced Workshop Overview ASCP Scholarship Report - session 1 ASCP Scholarship Report - session 2
Light Rail Track Slab design
Design standards Australia ‒ TfNSW Asset Standards Authority requirements ‒ Somewhat relevant perhaps… Australian Standard (AS) 5100 Bridge Design Austroads (AGPT02) ‒ Catalogue approach (standard details) VicTrack / Yarra Trams Europe ‒ BS EN 16432-1:2017 Railway applications – Ballastless track systems Other ‒ TCRP...
Drainage, construction and materials for concrete pavements
Subsurface Drainage - Update on RMS Standards RMS Specification 3211 - Cement Specification Changes Slab Replacement Pumping - video - ref J Allen Slab Joint Pumping - video - ref. J Allen Structural Design - The Role of Transverse Reinforcement Paver Operations - Forming Time & Retempering - G Ayton
Drainage, dowels, sustainability and maintenance challenges
Ditjet - Automated Subsoil Drainage Installation Dowel Design for Concrete Pavements S Daher 2020 6th Concrete Pavement Conference Announcement K Abrams 2020 ASCP Strategy and Membership Involvement Update J Moss 2020 TfNSW Rigid Pavements update B Ben 2020 G Ayton & S Daher - Dowels - A review of products...
History of local concrete roads, roundabouts, cycleways and maintenance of concrete pavements
History of LG Roads - J Nichols Roundabouts - G Ayton Cycleways - D Dash Diamond Grinding - P Miskell Maintenance - J Figueroa
Sustainability, design and construction of concrete pavements
AGIC Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Scheme No Fines Wet-On-Wet at Tarcutta Dowels - Design & Installation Cert III Training Update Full Width Paving