
Spanish experiences in roller compacted concrete pavements in the years 1984-85


Roller compacted concrete pavements have been used in e~ght experiences, with about 100,000 m2 paved in d1fferent parts of the country and diverse orographical and ~limatological conditions(Barcelona, Valencia, Valladol1d, Leon, Sevilla and Zaragoza). According to the same standard specifications, pavements have been built with different material properties, concrete mixing procedures...

Continuously reinforced concrete overlays on various French motorways Constraints of a technical nature and due to the organisation of sites operating under traffic


The construction of continuously reinforced concrete overlays across the full carriageway width on busy motorways involves the need to make certain technical choices with respect to the materials employed (especially the cement), the plant and methods for carrying out the work and the organization and planning of the job, having...

Cement concrete safety barriers


Since 1974 some 1000 km of concrete safecy barriers of the New Jersey CaliĀ£ornian type have been built in France, where these structures are known by the designations D.B.A., G.B.A. and L.B.A. These barriers, whether installed on the central reserve or along the outer edges of roads and motorways. are...

Developments in concrete road construction – European survey


A survey of European concrete road construction is presented on the occasion of the fifth International Symposium on Concrete Roads. The Synoptic Table 1986 c~nta~ns in tabul~r form the principal data and guidel~ nes for the des~gn and construction of motorways and other roads of con~rete in 15 European countries....

Strengthening with concrete on the Nationale 6 in the Yonne County


For the "Nationale 6" thickening between Auxerre and Cravant, the concrete pavement solution, in competition with traditional techniques, is particularly interesting on the economic point of view and held the Head District Equipment attention in agreement with the French Road Management. The strenghening technique consisted in implementing by 4 m...

Experience with thin bonded cement-bound overlays in Austria


In Austria bonded overlays only 35 mm thick are made using a superplasticized concrete with a wie - ratio of 0.35 . The overlay has to be moist-cured. For thicknesses of only 20 mm a special latex addition is used. For good bond the concrete is brushed vigorously with a...

Design and construction of noise-abatement devices along roads


Roads now ofcen have to be provided wich noise control scructures, those most commonly employed being earthbanks, steep-faced banks, acoustic screens and noise reduccion barriers. Large installations and special structures for noise control purposes are more rarely encountered. "Steep-faced banks", which occupy less space than earth-banks, consist of a supporting...