
32mm Aggregate Trial at Oxley to Kundabung Pacific Highway Upgrade

Conf-paper-ascp-2021, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

This paper focuses on the analysis of pavement sensor data collected from the 32mm aggregate trial at Oxley to Kundabung Pacific Highway Upgrade project. This trial was intended to establish the concrete mix design parameters, verify the paving ability of the mix and to observe the environmental loading behaviour of...

Investigation of Crack Width Development in CRCP

Conf-paper-ascp-2021, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

The traffic volume on German motorways increased steadily and this trend is expected to continue in the future. To guarantee mobility in the future and reduce the national economic consequential costs, road construction with a maximum service life and a minimum of necessary maintenance are needed. Rigid road pavements with...

CRCP for Rural and Urban Applications

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Pavement Economic Competition and Life Cycle Assessment Studies at the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub

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Enhanced performance of concrete with use of Carbon Nanotube enriched liquid additive

Conf-paper-ascp-2021, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

The Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in a liquid additive when used in the design and construction of concrete, serve as nucleation sites during cement hydration to help create a denser, cement paste composition. The result is improved durability and strength. CNT technology remains ‘young’ within Australia; various laboratory and field trials...

Evaluation Of Long-Life Rigid Pavements In Michigan

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Review of the Erosion Criteria for Bound Subbases in the Australian Rigid Pavement Design Procedure

Conf-paper-ascp-2021, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

The current Australian rigid road pavement design procedure considers both structural concrete slab fatigue and subbase erosion. The erosion component was introduced in the 1992 edition of the Austroads pavement design guide as nomographs and incorporated as algorithms in the 2004 edition of the guide. The erosion distress criteria were...

The First Concrete Freeway in South Africa

Conf-paper-ascp-2021, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

The first concrete freeway in South Africa was constructed between 1970 and 1971. It consisted of a dual carriageway, two-lane freeway with plain/jointed concrete pavement (PCP) for the traffic lanes and asphalt for the two shoulders. Three years after opening wider than normal hairline cracking was observed close to the...

W2B Recycled Crushed Glass Project

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Effects of Vibration on Concrete Mixtures

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Comparison of PCC Elastic Modulus for Rigid Pavements – Laboratory versus Field

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

Deflections measured using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) device are used to backcalculate the elastic modulus (Epcc) of the concrete slab of a jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (PCP). The two procedures used to estimate the Epcc of the PCP slab from the deflection basins include the AREA method and the Best-Fit...

CSA Concrete Road Slab Replacements A Review of International Practice and Literature

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cements present an opportunity to improve upon a number of the shortcomings of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The fast setting and rapid strength gain characteristics of CSA cements have led to a worldwide uptake in the operational maintenance area. The use in road and airfield pavements is...