Concrete Pavement Preservation (CPP) is a series of engineered techniques developed over the past 40 years to manage the rate of pavement deterioration in concrete streets, highways and airports. CPP is a non-overlay option used to repair areas of distress in concrete pavement without changing its grade. This rational, preventive...
Concrete Pavement Preservation Integrating Engineering Application and the Environment
Importance of Correct Dowel Positions in Transversal Joints of Rigid Pavements
Positions of dowels and tie bars in jointed unreinforced concrete pavements and the importance of their correct placement on pavement behaviour and lifespan was studied as a part of R&D project of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic No. TA02031195 and TE01020168. Laboratory concrete beams with in-built dowels in different...
Surface Grinding Concrete Pavements
The report outlines some of the perceptions and issues associated with Concrete roads, and asks if the process of Diamond Grinding is a viable solution to the refurbishment of worn concrete pavements. The paper outlines the process of Diamond Grinding for reconditioning structurally sound but worn concrete surfaces. Gives a...
Extending the Service Life of Structurally Sound Concrete Roads in England
A number of concrete surfaced roads in the UK have been in service for over 30 years. In some cases, the original surface laitance applied to these carriageways is becoming worn, leading to reductions in texture and skid resistance, a combination that has been shown to have a negative effect...
In-situ Architectural Concrete and Pre-Dosed Micro-Concrete for Wear Thin Layer Pavements in Urban Areas Diogo Menezes Square as an Example of Environmental Renovation
In this communication the development of non traditional-solutions for pavement surfaces will be assessed, by the use of colored pre-dosed micro-concrete or in situ concrete in thin layers of high performance architectural applications for urban, pedestrian, cycling and roads. This assessment will be focused on frequently technical constructive barriers inherent...
Improving the Rehabilitation Timing and Selection in a Pavement Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is an economic procedure used to compare competing pavement designs, over a defined analysis period, considering all significant costs expressed in equivalent present value dollars. Currently, most agencies apply a standard, policy set, rehabilitation schedule to all pavements based on historical performance. However, this can...
Comparison of Roadway Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Thickness Design Methods Common in the United States
While much research in the United States (U.S.) has focused on the development, enhancement, and sensitivity of the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design (previously known and MEPDG and DARWin-ME) method, little work has focused on comparing the results from this design method to other design methods already regularly used in practice....
Influence of Test Specimen Compaction and Curing Condition for Pavement Cold Recycled Mixtures
Presently in most European countries the quality of cold recycling mixtures in pavement rehabilitation is proven by achieving required strength values (indirect tensile strength or compressive strength) and eventually by values of stiffness modulus (IT-CY test method). This empirical approach of quality assessment is quite simple, relatively fast in performance...
A Review of Mechanisms Associated with Premature Joint Deterioration in Concrete Pavements
Premature deterioration of sawn joints has been reported in some cold climate regions in the USA. This paper reviews the multiple mechanisms have been found to contribute to the deterioration. Laboratory and field investigations have shown that freezing and thawing of saturated concreted is a dominant factor. Magnesium and calcium...
Concrete Pavements and Structures for Dedicated Public Transport Lanes
Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Caen, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Orléans, Rouen, Saint-Étienne, Strasbourg, Paris . Which city hasnt developed or is about to develop its own network of public transport on dedicated lanes? Users warmly welcome this mode of public transport, typical of urban renewal projects for...
Flatness and Levelness of Concrete Pavements for Industrial Areas Requirements and Evaluation Methods
Among various construction activities, related to concrete pavement technologies, an important role is reserved to industrial floors; these structures, in many cases, present the same technical problems of road pavements. Characteristics, construction techniques, exercise conditions, maintenance and control of industrial pavements, in effect, are very similar to the ones usually...
Modular Security Barriers for Urban Demands Current and Demands State of the Art Solutions
Using appropriate security barriers for directing the traffic in urban areas, close to downtown, shopping centers, protecting working zones in urban areas in general, and separating traffic, is essential for the safety of different traffic users. The traffic flow at industrial, commercial and public areas is easily managed by using...