
Flexible Concrete Pavements

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The strength of flexible pavements is more or less at the limit of design, and only minor improvements in allowable contact pressure can be expected. Major increases in vehicle weight on flexible pavements is only possible by increasing the number of axles or by increasing any extra contact area (larger...

Project Numerical Models and Comparison with Experimental Results

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The present paper illustrates the experience of ITALCEMENTI S.p.A. and C.T.G. S.p.A. (former ITALCEMENTI INGEGNERIA S.p.A.) in designing CRCPs. During 1991-1 992 a slip road was built between the MONSELICE cement plant (Padua) and the state road "S.S. 10 Padana Inferiore" in order to divert heavy vehicle traffic driving to...

Design and Construction of Concrete Road Surfaces in Germany

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Increasing traffic loads and new environmental criteria have led to more stringent requirements for the surfacing of roads. At the same time, practical experience and new methods have improved the construction of concrete road surfaces. In the light of these developments, it was also necessary to adapt the German technical...

Materials Mix Design and Quality Control

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A system for assessing the materials used for the construction of a concrete road is presented. The materials constituting the three layers of the pavement -ely stabilised granular mix, cement-bound mix, concrete and porous concrete for the road shoulders- were accurately selected and subjected to thorough controls during construction. The...

Conclusions from the Longtime Behaviour of Cement Bound Road Bases

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Cement-bound road bases of 16 heavily loaded Autobahns in West Germany (12 road bases under concrete pavements and 4 under asphalt pavements) were investigated regarding bond, damage due to frost and erosion, compressive strength, water permeability, frost and erosion resistance. The investigations showed that cement-bound road bases are proved in...

Project Instrumentation Installation and Presentation of Results

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This article presents the design criteria and operating procedures adopted for the installation of the instrumentation devices to record the variations in "sIowIy changing quantities affected by temperature and humidity as well as by traffic-induced dynamic" phenomena. Interesting trends and correlations between the various physical quantities measured have been found....

Jointed Concrete Pavement Mechanistic Design – An Approach to ReLiability Calibration

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The design of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) using mechanistic-empirical concepts must incorporate a systems approach in considering material and traffic variability with respect to design and calibration in a mathematically consistent manner. Calibration procedures are necessary to insure the prerequisite accuracy in the design calculation and estImate of pavernelil. peIIuIIIIdlIlx....

The Influence of the Interface Friction Coefficient on Composite Concrete Pavement Performance

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The paper discusses the role of non-destructive testing in pavement evaluation and the importance of bonding between its layers on back-calculated properties. Rigid composite pavement structures were analysed using the BISAR programme under different bonding coefficients (ks) between the asphalt and the concrete layers. The results indicate that: A small...

Design and Construction of a Concrete Pavement on Compressible Muds

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This paper deals with the design, construction and performance of a freeway section over a thick layer of compressible mud. Halfway on the Madrid to Zaragoza freeway, in the valley of the Jalón River, several very soft clayey deposits were found, originated by endorreic drainage basins. The ground treatment systems...

The Austrian Specifications for Concrete Pavements

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The latest version of the Austrian specifications for concrete pavements include paving between fixed forms and slipforrn paving, super plasticized concrete, recycled concrete and noise reducing concrete surfaces. This paper describes exposed aggregate surfaces, the requirements for concrete pavements and the materials used to make them.

Bidding Procedure, Contract Award and Construction of the Motorway Al 5 between Cottbus-West and Forst (Germany)

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The turnkey construction method can be very beneficial to an employer both during the bidding process and during construction. A turnkey road construction project was selected for the first time in Germany as the construction method for the A15 motorway between Cottbus-West and Forst. In order to alleviate backups within...

Quality Assurarice and Functional Demands

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Quality a.curance and functional demands are taken more and more into account in contracts for road construction. This paper describes a contract for a 15 km long concrete pavement for a motorway in West Sweden. Functional demands were chosen for wear resistance, evenness, tensile strength, thickness, frost resistance, surface friction,...