The durability of different kinds of cement i.e. PC 45 and PC 55, slag cement (SC) and alkali activated slag (AAS) has been investigated. The mortar were cured in a strong chloride solution and the expansion and strength were measured. Additionally, the frost resistance was tested according to ASTM Standard....
The Influence of Composition and Compactation on the Properties of Roller-Compacted Concrete
At the Research, Development and Consulting Department of the Heidelberger Zement AG, a research project has been carried out on the influence of the composition and compaction on the properties of roller-compacted concrete. At a low compaction rate of only 96% of the modified proctor density, roller compacted concrete containing...
Methods of Repair Headrace Tunnel Invert – Repair of Deteriorated Headrace Tunnel by Using Slip Form – Paver Method
In Japan, hydro-electrical power plants are existing at approximately 1,800 places, but more than a half of such plants have been used over sixty years since the commencement of operation. Water channels that lead water, taken in from head areas, to hydro-electrical power plants are called the "headrace tunnel." The...
The Willebroek Ring Road (N16) – a Development in the Construction of Concrete Roads
The Willebroek ring road is part of the N16 Mechelen - St. Niklaas road. The work was carried out in 3 phases, the first phase starting in 1986. In practice, the ring was constructed with 20 cm of continuously reinforced concrete (50.000 m 2 ). Exposed aggregate surface was required...
Air-Entraining Agents in Road Concrete Code of Good Practice and Field Experiments
Air-entraining agents are increasingly recommended as a mean to counteract the ever more severe deterioration of road cement concretes in winter. However, their use is still raising problems as far as the specifications and the practical implementation of the technology are concerned. The results of research conducted by BRRC and...
Enlargement of the Belgian Motorway E40 Brussels-Liege in Kortenberg
The section Brussels-Louvain of the motorway E40 was constructed in 1971 with a pavement in continuous reinforced coticiete fui the tlnee tiaffic lanes and an asphalt pavellielli for the elulergency lane. tue to the increase of heavy traffic, the Flemish Government decided the construction in 1994 of a fourth traffic...
The Use of Slipform Technique for Traffic Infrastructure Constructions
Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete pavements for roads, but also for construction of aircraft movement areas, industrial surfaces, secondary traffic areas, and rigid railtrack systems made of conciele. Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete safety barriers, cable troughs, curbs or gutters, too. If...
Spanish Experience in Concrete Pavements on Bridges
There are more than one hundred and sixty bridges with concrete pavement in Spain. All of them are in motorways with heavy traffic but in very different thermal regions. Three types of bridge concrete pavements are used: monolithic, bonded and unbonded. This paper presents the Spanish experience in concrete pavements...
Application of High Performance Concretes in Highway and Traflic Infrastructure Construction
High performance concrete - HPC - is characterised by high strength and considerable durability under high service load. In highway construction these concrete is used to constructing and very rapid repairs of pavements, bridges, viaducts and tunnels. Differentiation in types of such objects as well as erection conditions and than...
Improvement of the Temperature-Shrinkage Crack Resistance in the Construction of Concrete Road Pavements
Measures of increasing the crack-and frost resistance of a cement concrete pavement are presented in the paper: -use of control joints in the fresh concrete, only placed in the morning time; - increase by20% of the amount of plasticizer, mixing duration and compaction time of concrete mix.
Adjusting the Moisture Content of Mature Concrete for Durability Control
The presence of a specified volume of definite-dispersity air voids in the structure of cement concrete does not quarantee the scaling-resistanceIr concrete pavements under the action of frost and deicing agents. Experiments show that partial drying of mature concrete before its saturation increases the concrete scaling-resistance, while conipleLe dLyirlg up,...
Use of Fast Track Concrete Paving for Restoration Work
Many roads in Belgium, both main and secondary, are in need of modernisation or repairs. The surface area of old concrete pavements that are thus concerned on an annual basis is estimated at approximately half a million m2 . The inconvenience to the user caused by this type of work...