
Comparative Investigation on Concrete Pavement Thickness Using Industrial Waste Chips, Steel Fiber and Silica Fume

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Application of steel fiber in concrete would increase modul of rapture (MR) and module of elasticity (E), which in turn decrease slab thickness in rigid pavements. Hence, damaging stresses due to thermal and moisture is reduced. Where as concrete mixes with Silica Fume (SF) would perform the same behavior with...

Study on Perfectly Bonded Ultra-Thin Whitetopping

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Ultra-thin whitetopping is a repair method using concrete for asphalt pavement, whose primary characteristic is to allow the existing asphalt pavement and concrete to perform monolithically as a composite section. The existing asphalt concrete is normally milled to achieve such a bond, but milling can reportedly cause debonding of asphalt...

Effects of Freezing Thaw in Concretes Produced with Different Cements

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Serviceability of the concretes that undergo such effects of repetition of freezing-thaw is greatly affected by water-cement ratio, permeability, composition of the cement and mineral additves. Water-cement ratio being between 0.40-0.50, the concrete having a structure without any voids, using a cement with mineral additives, increase the resistance of the...

Effects of Finishing and Air-Entrainment on De-Icing Salt Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces

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The main difference between pavements and other elements made of concrete is the surface property. The surface in concrete pavement must be finished properly. It has been known for a long time that air-entrainment can be used against freezing and thawing deterioration of concrete pavement slabs. In the freeze-thaw attack,...

Indirect Determination of Split Strength and Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Paving Blocks as a Function of Dry Bulk Specific Gravity and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

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Artificial paving blocks made with portland cement concrete are widespread in many countries. These paving blocks come in various designs such as Interlocking and Italian Flower, and they are produced in special machinery out of rather high quality concrete having about 50 MPa compressive strength. The reason for the concrete...

Effect of Curing on Strength and Chloride Penetration into Concretes Made with Portland and Blast Furnace Slag Cements

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In this paper, portland cement concretes and concretes with blast furnace slag cement were studied to determine the parameters for strength and chloride permeability under different curing procedures. For this purpose, four concrete mixtures were made at two different water cement ratios of 0.45 and 0.65 with cement contents of...

Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete Containing a Non-Standard High Calcium Fly Ash

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Although roller compacted concrete (RCC) made with and without fly ash (FA) has enjoyed numerous application of dams, roads and large floors construction in Europe, Japan, Australia and Unites States since 1970s, it has not almost yet been used at all in Turkey despite abundant and economical sources of FA...

Road Concrete with Screenings of Igneous Rocks

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The use of screenings of igneous rocks containing the dust-like particles (not more than 10% by weight) extends the list of efficient aggregates for the pavement concretes. The peculiarities of the grain size distribution of screenings, namely, an increased content (up to 10% and over) of dust-like particles and specific...

Reasons for Cracking of the Cement Concrete Pavements from Strong and Frost-Resistant Concrete

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World practice (USA, Germany) has already noted the cases of continuous cracking of the surface layers of cement concrete pavements. Continuous cracking becomes evident several years later after completing construction and results, as a rule, in deterioration of the performance characteristics of the pavements. The paper shows the results of...

Cement Containing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in Local Roads Building

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The number of roads with concrete surface in Poland is small. During the last few years the cement industry has taken up extensive promoting activities that resulted in increased interest in construction of concrete roads – both motorways as well as local roads. It has turned out that durability of...

The Application of the Selected Cements in Building Concrete Pavements of the Rural Roads in Poland

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For the present Polish Catalogue of Typical Concrete Pavements is published. This document allows to apply cements CEM II and CEM III besides CEM I in road constructions. In order to verification of usefulness these cements, the experiment concrete pavement with CEM II and CEM III and for comparison CEM...

Frost Damage Prevention of Concrete Pavement

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Due to severe frost damage at the main platform on a military transportation airfield in the Netherlands, investigations have been carried out to find the course of this damage. Tests have been carried out to compare the frost sensitivity of Portland cement and Fly-ash cement. Also the influence of several...