
Precast Electrified Roadway Pavement Systems using Engineered Cementitious Composites

Highways Members Only

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) remains low mainly because of its battery related problems, which include high cost, range limitation and weight. Electrified roadways, which allow EVs to charge while they are in operation (motion or stationary) by using Inductive Power Transfer, is a very innovative technology to overcome...

Urban Concrete Pavements – History and Current Technology

Highways Members Only

This paper aims to outline briefly the history of the first concrete pavements in Europe and in the United States. The authors will present examples of concrete pavements built in Tarnów, a relatively large city (115,000 inhabitants) in southern Poland. They will show technological and structural solutions for using concrete...

Influence of Recycled Concrete Aggregates on Strength Properties of Concrete

Highways Members Only

The demand to use recycled aggregates in concrete is getting more important. However, to obtain a sustainable road, it is necessary to construct durable pavements and therefore to use concrete of good and reliable quality. The use of recycled aggregates will give environmental advantages but could lead to excessive shrinkage...

The Influence of Sand Grading on the Air Void System

Highways Members Only

In this research the influence of sand grading on the air void system in mortar is determined. Three sand grading types are defined: sand “low”, sand “mean” and sand “high”. The difference is the amount of fines, < 250 ?m, (low, mean and high amount of fines) in the sand....

The Vecu Process for Roadways Public Spaces and Urban Development Projects a New Approach for Consolidating the State of the Art

Highways Members Only

Urban roadways and public spaces are major fields of application for road concrete in France. Specialised contracting firms have gradually refined the finishes, skills and techniques to provide an extensive range of decorative concrete models. A collaborative process known as VECU (French acronym for roadways, public spaces and urban development...

Eupave Symposium on Concrete Roads – Prague 2014 Urban Roads Session

Highways Members Only

Public lighting contributes to the safety and quality of life in urban areas and, like all services, is confronted with the challenge of “doing better with less.” Closer ties between the trades of the road and lighting offer proven opportunities for significant economic and environmental gains once steps are taken...

Movement of Unanchored Terminus of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Highways Members Only

The longitudinal displacements of the terminus of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) without the terminal anchor lug system were measured and analyzed to investigate the maximum terminal joint width and the necessity of the anchor lug system. The terminal movements under environmental loads were measured at the CRCP sections...

Heated Transportation Infrastructure Systems Existing and Emerging Technologies

Highways Members Only

Ice and snow on pavement surfaces cost the U.S. national economy in snow removal, damaged pavement and lost man-hours due to travel delay. Common practices for removing ice and snow from pavement surfaces include spraying anti-ice chemicals on the ground and deploying snowplowing vehicles. These methods are labor-intensive, occasionally ineffective...

Rapid Repair of Concrete Roads using Calcium Aluminate Cement Based Mortar in Winter Conditions

Highways Members Only

Calcium aluminate based mortars have been widely used for fast setting repair applications. This article will present the laboratory work that was conducted to repair an existing concrete road in Istanbul. The main damage mechanism was both abrasion and frost damage; the maximum time that the road can be closed...

Design & Construction of an Experimental Two Layer Concrete Pavement Motorway Section in Spain

Highways Members Only

In June 2006, GISA a Public Company, within the Department of Planning and Public Works of the Catalonian Regional Government, awarded CEDINSA the concession for the project of constructing and operating the projects of converting into a dual carriageway the stretch Vic-Ripoll of the C-17 highway. As a participant in...

Classification and Methods for Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavement- a Spanish Example

Highways Members Only

Highways superficial rehabilitation appears nowadays as one environmental friendly option to increase the service life of pavements. The remaining structural section is responsible for providing enough resistance for the ongoing traffic loads. The basic goal of this kind of treatments is to recover a certain level of comfort and security...

Flatness and Levelness of Concrete Pavements for Industrial Areas Requirements and Evaluation Methods

Industrial Members Only

Among various construction activities, related to concrete pavement technologies, an important role is reserved to industrial floors; these structures, in many cases, present the same technical problems of road pavements. Characteristics, construction techniques, exercise conditions, maintenance and control of industrial pavements, in effect, are very similar to the ones usually...