The ASCP forum on Industrial Pavements provided valuable information on design, detailing, materials and construction issues related to industrial pavements. It also highlighted several differing opinions and challenges to existing practices. This presentation by Bruce Ireland covers: Minimum requirements for selecting load transfer dowels in industrial pavement design are discussed...
Properties of Fibre Concrete for Industrial Pavements – Synthetic Macro Fibres
The ASCP forum on Industrial Pavements provided valuable information on design, detailing, materials and construction issues related to industrial pavements. It also highlighted several differing opinions and challenges to existing practices. This presentation by Ryan Pearce covers: Issues discussed; traditional methods of drying shrinkage crack control, different types of fibre...
Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Industrial slab on ground pavements
The ASCP forum on Industrial Pavements provided valuable information on design, detailing, materials and construction issues related to industrial pavements. It also highlighted several differing opinions and challenges to existing practices. This presentation by Royce Ratcliffe covers: Fibres vs conventional reinforcement Testing of fibres How fibres increase load carrying capacity...
Role of SMZ & LMC in pavement design
The paper draws attention to the major differences in design methodology of flexible and rigid pavement designs. For concrete pavements, the design is based on the Equivalent Strength (CBR) of 1000 mm of subgrade. This includes the Selected Material Zone (SMZ) and is calculated using the widely accepted Japanese Public...
Summary of presentations given at the ASCP Forum on 31 March, 2008
Presentations from Peter Wellings, Geoff Ayton, Justin Moss, George Vorobieff on: Construction Quality RTA training RTA 3211 update Austroad publications update Concrete industry quality forum
Eupave – short introduction to European Paving Association
This presentation was given at the ASCP Forum on 8 September, 2008. It gives an overview of Eupave - the recently formed paving association in Europe.
How to reduce Tire (Tyre)-Pavement Noise
CP Tech Center Investigates Surface TextureThe National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) is currently working with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and seven State DOTs on Part 3 of a three-part program to examine tire-pavement noise on concrete pavement. The initial activity involved the development of a...
Concrete Pavement Design, Construction & Performance
The ACI has released a new publication "Concrete Pavement Design, Construction and Performance written by Norbert Delatte. It is available through the ACI at - go to their bookstore. "A pavement project may be envisioned as a three link chain, consisting of materials, design, and construction. Because the weakest...
ICCP 9th Report – Summary list of papers presented at the ISCP 9th International Conference in August, 2008
This paper was presented by G Vorobieff at the ASCP Forum on 8 September 2008. The paper identifies several topics of key interest, and provides some brief comments on the issues discussed. The paper also shows the Conference program which identifies the title and author of each paper presented.
Plastic Shrinkage Cracking Spreadsheet to calculate evaporation rates of bleed water from concrete surfaces
This document is a simple Excel spreadsheet which allows the user to input Air Temperature, Concrete Temperature, Relative Humidity & Wind Velocity to determine the Bleed Water Evaporation Rate. The formulae, developed by P Uno, are based on the well known ACI Bleed Water Evaporation Nomograph.
Gomaco – T Nash Concrete pavement construction equipment – batch plants, slipformers, diamond grinding
ASCP policy requires permission from presenters to publish their presentations on its web site. We have recently written to the presenters from this Forum for such permission. Once these have been received, we will publish the remaining presentations under this Resource.
X-tec – M Knecht Concrete pavement construction equipment – batch plants, slipformers, diamond grinding
ASCP policy requires permission from presenters to publish their presentations on its web site. We have recently written to the presenters from this Forum for such permission. Once these have been received, we will publish the remaining presentations under this Resource.