How to reduce Tire (Tyre)-Pavement Noise

Reference to NCPTC website for How to Reduce Tire-Pavement Noise

CP Tech Center Investigates Surface TextureThe National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) is currently working with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and seven State DOTs on Part 3 of a three-part program to examine tire-pavement noise on concrete pavement. The initial activity involved the development of a Strategic Plan. For the second part of the project, the CP Tech Center, in conjunction with ACPA and FHWA, initiated data collection on new construction, nearly new construction, and older sections of interest. To date, over 1200 unique test sections have been evaluated by The Transtec Group. Of critical importance is a test section that has been constructed on US Highway 30, just east of LeGrand, Iowa. This was constructed in August of 2005 and was financed by the Iowa Highway Research Board and the Iowa DOT.

The section is over two miles long and includes 18 different textures. Some have burlap or turf pretexture and others don’t. The surface texture includes longitudinal and transverse tining at different spacing and depths, as well as drag textures from turf and burlap. One diamond grinding section is also included. Testing was initiated immediately after construction (pre-broom; pre-traffic), just prior to traffic (postbroom), six months after opening, 1.5 years after opening, and 2.5 years after opening. Tests include On Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) at the tire-pavement interface, texture measurements with the Robo-Tex, wayside noise, in-vehicle noise, and friction measurements with the skid trailer and dynamic friction meter. Other work activities for the project include development of a better practices manual for constructing and texturing concrete pavements. That manual should be available in late summer.

Acknowledgement This information was sourced from the ISCP website (E-Newsletter).

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