
Realization of agricultural roads in concrete in Belgium

Highways Members Only

The construction of concrete agricultural roads continues to increase in Belgium; latest statistical data show that public autorities still rely on this type of pavement. A new design method was recently proposed and published by the Ministry for the Walloon Area; it is based on simple concepts and its application...

Construction of cycle tracks with cement-bound materials

Highways Members Only

Cycling is "in". The bicycle manufacturers' sales figures show an increase from 1 million to 5 million machines per year over the period from 1956 to 1980. To extend and develop a cycle track network in response to this increase is a logical consequence. Environmental protection and health-conscious behaviour patterns...

Construction of farm roads with cement-bound sub-bases used as pavement

Highways Members Only

Many minor roads are constructed with a cement-bound sub-base not provided with a surfacing. Two such experimental se~tions of road are described in this paper. One of these sections comprises a cement-bound crushed stone sub-base (shell limestone 0 - 45 mm size). It was constructed with a binder content of...

Concrete dual-track roads

Highways, Trackslabs Members Only

Fully paved farm tracks which look like roads are coming in for a~ increasing amount of public eriticism, for they do not fit the ima~e of originally unpaved tracks consisting of two parallel wheel paths with a grassed strip in the middle. Trackways built of concrete do resemble the old...

The road: The multifunctional structural element in agricultural areas

Highways Members Only

Farm roads in interdependence with higher-ranking roads form int~grated traffic networks for the benefit of the rural and urban population. With -tbe many and vari~d duties that such roads perform they func tian more particularly as aids to agricultural and forestry development projects, with effects extending even into the ecological...

Minor roads in concrete

Highways Members Only

In France, bituminous construction has for decades customarily been used for all kinds of minor roads. There are a great many reasons to explain this tradition. All the same, experiments with concrete have been made year after year, and some day, as a result of further dissemination of information and...

Use of concrete block paving – Constructions in Belgium

Highways Members Only

Concrete paving blocks are an ideal material for the sufacing of trafficked areas, storage yards and residential roads in urban built-up areas. A number of examples of block pavings installed at Hasselt illustrate how it i~ thereby possible to create a pleasing "street image" which complies wi th the rules...

An assesment of interlocking concrete block pavements

Highways Members Only

A number of interlocking concrete block pavements (lCBP's) in applications ranging from residential streets to a quarry access road have been monitored. This wc.rkhas included the changing nature of the block layer; particularly its stiffness. The latter quali ty has been assessed by means of the force required to remove...

Use of and construction method for concrete block paving in the Federal Republic of Germany

Highways Members Only

For hundreds, indeed thousands of years, the only form of road surfacing was with stone blocks. The invention of tbe internal combustion engine and the tremendous growth of motorization, in conjunction with the use of asphalt, thrust the block-paved road into the background and bad a major effect on the...

Road concrete with superplasticizers

Highways Members Only

Road concrete made with superplasticizers has successfully been used for about ten years now. Its special features with regard to mix composition and method of placing were reported in detail at the London symposium in 1982. This method of construction is increasingly being applied in Austria: - For the maintenance...

Design and construction of continuously reinforced concrete composite pavement for the A63 South Docks Road Hull

Highways Members Only

The paper describes the approach adopted for the design and construction of a continuously reinforced concrete road base (CRCB) pavement for a major trunk road proect in the north-east region of the United Kingdom. The trunk road, known as the South Docks Road, is currently under construction and programmed for...

Large-size precast concrete slabs for urban road pavements with tramway tracks

Trackslabs Members Only

In 1967 precast concrete slabs were experimentally used in lieu of granite paving sets as surfacings fur carriageways used by trams in Vienna's public transport system. After some tests, increasingly large areas were paved by this method from 1970 onwards. The evident advanta~es of precast slabs were the deciding factor:...