Presentation only
The First Concrete Freeway in South Africa
The first concrete freeway in South Africa was constructed between 1970 and 1971. It consisted of a dual carriageway, two-lane freeway with plain/jointed concrete pavement (PCP) for the traffic lanes and asphalt for the two shoulders. Three years after opening wider than normal hairline cracking was observed close to the...
Review of the Erosion Criteria for Bound Subbases in the Australian Rigid Pavement Design Procedure
The current Australian rigid road pavement design procedure considers both structural concrete slab fatigue and subbase erosion. The erosion component was introduced in the 1992 edition of the Austroads pavement design guide as nomographs and incorporated as algorithms in the 2004 edition of the guide. The erosion distress criteria were...
ASCP2021 6th Concrete Pavements (e)Conference – Proceedings (with video recordings)
Outline 2020 tested our flexural capacity and at times strained our mental tensile strength to 85% yield. To maintain tradition, ASCP has worked hard to develop a unique line-up of papers and delivery format for its 6th Concrete Pavements Conference which was delivered in August 2021. Like previous biennial conferences,...
Pavimentos de Hormigón Con Bajo Nivel de Ruido (Pavement Note 003) [Spanish, español]
Texturizado Suave, Seguro, Duradero y Rentable (LDNG) Las administraciones que gestionan infraestructuras viarias quieren pavimentos con bajo coste de construcción inicial, bajo coste de mantenimiento, buena resistencia al deslizamiento, especialmente en clima húmedo 1, buen confort y calidad de conducción y bajo nivel de ruido. El LNDG cumple con cada...
El Valor del Pavimento de Hormigón (Pavement Note 001) [Spanish, español]
Beneficios Económicos, Operativos y Sociales Las carreteras de hormigón presentan numerosos beneficios económicos, de accesibilidad y seguridad en comparación con otras opciones de pavimentos flexibles. Esta Nota de Pavimentos presenta un resumen de las últimas novedades que comparan las opciones de pavimentos para cargas pesadas. La intención de esta Nota...
ASCP2021 6th Concrete Pavements (e)Conference – Program & Summary
Outline 2020 tested our flexural capacity and at times strained our mental tensile strength to 85% yield. To maintain tradition, ASCP has worked hard to develop a unique line-up of papers and delivery format for its 6th Concrete Pavements Conference which was delivered in August 2021. Like previous biennial conferences,...
ASCP Forum – Sustainability- Mecla, Westconnex 3b Rozelle & Slab Replacement
The objectives of MECLA and why cutting embodied carbon matters will be put forward by Hudson Worsley. How MECLA came to be set up, the findings of its foundation research, who is involved, how it works and what it hopes to achieve will be addressed. Veronica Prado, Timothy Cook and...
ASCP Forum – Maintenance of Concrete Road Pavements – Specifications & Materials
Sydney has a very large network of State and Local Government concrete roads built from the mid 1920s to the 1950s. There is an increasing need for slab replacements, but with worksite access typically limited to a single night shift. Using CSA rapid set cement, there are now 12 years...