Preservation options for long lasting concrete pavements
Over the service life of a heavy-duty concrete pavement, concrete pavements will gradually degrade in ride quality and the slab surface may lose some of its initial texture, leading to a reduction in skid resistance and/or increased risk of aquaplaning. This Pavement Note summarises the types and causes of occasional concrete pavement distress, preservation and rectification options, maintenance materials, requirements and specifications available to inform pavement engineers, consultants, construction staff and maintenance staff for optimal asset management.
This Pavement Note reviews:
- Occasional Concrete Pavement Distresses
- Preservation Options
- Guide to Selection of Appropriate Treatments
- Materials for Maintenance
- End of Life Considerations
Conclusions: The causes and types of occasional concrete pavement deterioration are summarised in this Pavement Note along with possible rectification techniques that will assist
pavement engineers and maintenance crews. From a technical standpoint, these techniques assist in promoting pavement longevity and offer a safe and comfortable driving experience on concrete pavements. If these costeffective maintenance treatments are followed, the longevity of rigid pavements can be significantly improved.
Working Group members: Jun So, Aziz Mahmood, Ian Hampton, Kristine Faye Lindo, Nicole Liang, Justin Moss and the National Executive